It's time to sign up for september exchange. We will have a theme this month. The theme is halloween!! Fun huh! Comment below with your email addy. to sign up! much love,
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hi dana..did you ever get my package from april?? i never heard back from you or anything! i e-mailed you..i know you have been busy, and hope your ok! Julie
that is too bad, because i did send you a package..i know you were busy with opening a a new business, so i thought you were too busy. You kinda just disappeared. i did e-mail, and send you something. i have no reason to lie here. have a good one!
Hey Andrea! sorry to be a pill..but Dana has never replied my e-mails , and or comments in the journal.We had each other for the gift exchange, so i sent her a package in April, and did not hear from her, nor did i receive anything from her. i have tried, but no response, so i am just writing this out in the open for all to see. I hope the same does not happen to someone else!! just so you know! julie
Of course remove the (dot) and place it with a .
Nor did I receive any emails from you after I emailed you. I jsut figured you did not want to exchange?
have a good one!
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