one; AT LONG LAST Thom makes his appearance

Sep 02, 2011 23:29

[Today, Barge, you're going to get to see an old timey person figure out the journals. The first part of this is scribbled fast in thin, scratchy handwriting. Thom's using the paper journal he found sitting next to the communicator device, which he doesn't recognise at all, to write notes about said communicator.]

origin? Carthakian divine? ?
magic stored inside -- not using one's own
scrying, far-speech
language- "communicator", "fuck", "cop"
perhaps linked warning messages--harnessed magic--long distances

[The scribbling stops abruptly in the middle of a word and there's a few minutes of nothing. Then the video feed on the communicator clicks on, showing Thom's fingers half-covering the camera and a tiny glimpse of coppery-red hair. His voice is extremely raspy and he's halfway through a muttered sentence.]

--o you press these into the-- [The video feed flicks off entirely, then switches quickly to audio for a blip of unrecognisable sound, then back to video. Now his thumb's covering half the camera. He moves it experimentally, shifting it off. He peers into the lens and you get a lovely shot of purple eyes in a sallow face complete with deep, dark bags. His face looks a little sweaty.] I see, it's... a little like a scrying mirror but-- [He trails off. He can see himself on the screen now; he puts his thumb back over the lens twice, blotting out the image, then stops. He tries to position the camera and manages to... kind of get it to an angle that isn't THAT bad. He's too close, though, and his hand is shaking enough that the image jitters.]

I'm afraid I'm at a loss. I don't even know who I'm asking, but if you... others can see this I'd very much like to know where I am. [A wry, slightly bitter smile stretches his too-thin face and the camera angle dips abruptly as he glances over his shoulder at the door. He forgets to fix it when he looks distractedly back.] I did think it was my rooms in the palace, but I just opened my door and it...very quickly became obvious that that isn't the case. Either I'm somewhere different, or this is a very, very odd dream. And as I'm not inclined to hav-- [But his calm speech is interrupted by a sudden, dry coughing fit and the camera jerks wildly around. When it's over, he doesn't finish his sentence or adjust the camera angle, and instead just rasps:] I would appreciate the information, if anyone has it to give.

[Then there's some shaky fumbling and button pressing that changes the feed to audio again--which catches the tail-end of a second painful coughing fit--and then off.]

[ooc: Also, as a heads-up, my internet situation is still a bit shit but will be resolved hopefully in the next day or three. ANYWAY, apologies in advance for any slow threads but I HAD TO GET THIS UP BEFORE THE NEXT APP ROUND LOL. :|]

personal notes, old timey all over the place, a cold in my gift, gdit roger, researching all the things, camera angles how do they work?

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