AIM RP log, transcribed.
Nyota Uhura + Leonard McCoy
get_me_a_drink: *replicating some hot milk, holding a packet of cocoa to put into it in the mess hall*
giftedlinguist*peeking over his shoulder and then glancing back down at her now very inadequate looking cup of coffee* I wish I'd thought of that.
get_me_a_drink: *glances back at her* Oh, Miss Uhura. Do you want a cup? I can make you one, 'f you'd like.
giftedlinguist: *smiles fondly* It's alright, I don't want to waste what I've already got. I'll just enjoy it vicariously. Presuming you'd let me join you while you drink it?
get_me_a_drink: Well, if I can make a suggestion, an' I swear it sounds a little gross but it's actually quite good; add a packet of this to your coffee. *offers her the packet of hot cocoa, then resists the urge to raise a brow. Why would she want to sit with him? Of course he'd love to sit with her* You assumed correctly, Miss Uhura. I'd love some company.
giftedlinguist: It doesn't sound that weird, really. I trust your taste.
get_me_a_drink: Let me get that for you. *gets up and grabs a spoon, walking back over to her and sits down next to her, handing it over*
giftedlinguist: *stirs the concoction and then, before taking a sip, places an elbow on the table and leans her chin on her hand* Why are you always such a gentleman?
get_me_a_drink: Guess it just comes with the package, Miss Uhura. *simpers a little at her, then sips his cocoa, glancing up at her* Same reason you're always such a lady, I 'sppose.
giftedlinguist: *chokes on her drink a little* Ha, you must have me confused with someone else.
get_me_a_drink: *furrows his brows* Are you alright? An' no, don't think so. 've always thought you were a lady, Miss Uhura. *him saying her name sounds a little like "oo-hoora"
giftedlinguist: I'm fine. I just think you might be in the minority on that opinion. You'd be surprised how many people are still offended by a woman who tries to get what she wants in life.
get_me_a_drink: I think it's an attractive quality. *, he glances off* I mean, uh, like it's respectable. An' all.
giftedlinguist: *sighs* Well, I appreciate you saying so. I don't know any other way to be, I guess. I think I take after my grandma. She's quite a firecracker, even now.
get_me_a_drink: *okay, good, that was brushed over, he glances back over at her* Is that so? What was she like, if you don't mind me askin', Miss Uhura?
giftedlinguist: *takes another sip* This is really good, by the way - thanks for the idea. And no, I don't mind at all. I like talking about her, but it's not often that people really want to listen. *gets a bit of a faraway look in her eyes* Well, for one, she was a wonderful singer. She sang to me all the time. Very old songs.
get_me_a_drink: *nods, listening* Y'know, you're a talented singer as well. I... don't know if it's out of place for me to tell you that, but I've heard you a few times, an' never got the chance to tell you.<
giftedlinguist: *surprised* Oh, when have you heard me sing? Please tell me I wasn't doing it absent-mindedly while on shift. I did that once - well, once that I know of, at least - and the captain teased me about it for a week.
get_me_a_drink: No, uh, sorry, it was down the... down deck three, I think. You seemed happy, so I didn't want to interrupt 'ranything.
giftedlinguist: *is trying not to smile so much because she wants to seem humble, but is very flattered* Well I probably was happy. Sometimes I don't even notice I'm doing it. I've been that way since I was a child, so I'm told. And since my grandmother always got me to sing with her, a lot of times it's those old songs. It's kind of funny since no one recognizes them. I get a lot of weird looks - it's only then that I realize I've been singing.
get_me_a_drink: Well, I think it's nice t'have a little music around this ship. You're very talented, Miss Uhura. Makes me wish y'could actually sing along to the harmonica, because that's the extend of my musical talent.
giftedlinguist: Hey, the harmonica's nothing to be ashamed of - it's pretty hard to play! Well, at least for me. I tried it once and gave up very quickly. What made you pick up such an archaic instrument? I don't imagine there's anyone else on this ship who can play it.
get_me_a_drink: Well... it... it's sort of a tradition, down South. I had a friend from New Orleans, and she played it. So, she taught me, when we were young. It's nothin' special though.
giftedlinguist: Ah, you're very fond of your traditions down South, aren't you? Do have any favorite songs? Not that I'd know them necessarily, but maybe.
get_me_a_drink: Sure do, and we are. I can play one for you, later, maybe, if yer' still interested. M'favorite's "The House of the Rising Sun".
giftedlinguist: *smiles and stirs her drink again, she's almost finished it and there's lots of cocoa powder settled at the bottom* I have heard of that! Well, I don't know if the version I heard is the original - it was by a group from the 1960's. I'm not sure if the song's older than that? My grandma was particularly fond of songs from the 1930's and 40's, so I've got sort of a pocket of knowledge around there. And yes of course I'd love to hear you play.
[ooc: Feel free to continue here, Gab. Otherwise, I'll just update with whatever we do live, for the sake of organization/posterity. ♥]