south park is on tonite!!!!!! new episode

Apr 13, 2005 21:07

i havent updated in a while!!! well first off....congrats to leslie and kayla for getting into park vista!!! and to chelsea and steff for getting into atlantic!!! ok so this week has been boring times 134687564. ugh i thought yesterday was friday. yeah sooooooooooo i need to go to the mall on friday to buy clothes for andis party!! i would go on saturday like i usually do but i have a funraiser for softball. then on sunday me and kayla are going "looking" for dresses for the 8th grade dance.... we arent buying anything cuz kaylas grandma has to be there but she golfs on sudays so we will buy them at a later date!!! well i am mad and bored and tired and.... wait ok i cannot wait till the trip!!!! 17 regular days and 12 skool days!!!! my group is the best group in the history of groups!!!! well bye!!

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