Oct 09, 2008 13:50
So I actually slept pretty well last night. Amazing.
I knocked the snail down onto the bottom of the tank last night and within ten minutes it was back to the top. I don't understand why it's acting this way. :\
I half-colored Horza's badge today. I noticed a mistake neither I or he caught until I was almost done. I inked it and everything, so I'll need some white-out or something to fix it before I can finish it. XD
I have decided to look for another job. I'm keeping FYE, but I wanna quit PS so badly. Even as inflexible as they are, when I give them my schedules in advance, they sortakinda work around them. I'm hoping that whatever job I could get to replace PS will work with my FYE and school schedules.. >_>
So yeah, if anyone knows of a (local) place that's looking for a part-timer, lemme know. FYE can't pay my bills alone, which is why I will always need a second job. I get commissions, but those aren't enough to pay for things, either. I'm willing to work pretty much anywhere. Minimum wage is fine, I just want someone who's willing to work with my scheduling needs.
I considered the food industry over the summer, but I was lucky and got hired at FYE and PS before it came down to that. Waitressing isn't the best job in the whole world, since you don't get paid much per hour, but the tips can be awesome. Knowing I'm so extroverted, I'm inside out, this could be a neat idea. I will be looking into all options. I just don't want to be with PS anymore.
Oh, remember my sore throat? Will it decided to stick around for a few extra days. Not only that, it decided to invite its friend Fever over. So I've been running a low fever since yesterday morning and nothing is helping. I've taken flu medicine (lol, overkill) but it doesn't seem to do much. It worked wonders on Monday. I imagine it didn't help yesterday because I was running around and talking to a bunch of customers instead of getting rest or whatever. But I called out sick on Sunday so I could be at FYE, so I can't call out sick again. Plus, I need the hours and money. Arg.
Tonight is just gonna suck. I hope it's slow AND that time passes by quickly. I hope I get the greatest night's sleep EVER tonight so that when I wake up at 4:30 in the morning tomorrow, I won't feel like driving an hour to PS just to kill whoever I see first and spend my weekend in jail.
*sigh* I just gotta make the best of it, I guess. Nothing else I can really do other than that.
Ok, I'm gonna make myself some lunch now. As soon as I finish eating, I'll have to get ready to go to work. Manager J had better have that stupid Availibility Form ready for me. >_> Later everyone.