Feb 03, 2007 09:05
Saturday morning at the home front. Last night bowling with the crew was cool! The only group where we politely nod when you get a good score.. but we do the wave for gutter balls! Awesome! Dennys after for dessert ( we had minors with us.) I noticed at 9:15 I was starting to fade and was relieved when R finally said begrudgingly " time to head out". Dman was having such a wonderful time with his gal friend at the other table that I didn't want ti end his fun.
Sometimes being the oldest sucks. That sense of responsiblity gets rooted in there pretty deep. I noticed this last night when I told the boy I was taking him out with me and he started getting stuff ready for the Baby. He was stunned when I said that the Baby wasn't going. He was more stunned when we didn't pick up the Unleashed from the neighbours when we left. " It's just me? " 10 minutes later as we were driving..."It has been so long since we went on a date... same with you and dad.. but.. it's been FOREVER since just you and me went out." Wow.. unintended guilt.. LOL He's good!
He really enjoyed the bowling too. This morning we are comparing notes on how badly our thighs hurt. an hour and ahalf of bowling and I can feel it. My shoulder is looser, which is awesome. However my thighs are monkey ass sore! Coming down the stairs this morning was an experience LOL.
( on an aside... BabyG is having a discussion with the Gerbel. Apparently he isn't willing to share his shreddies and is shaking his head at her everytime he picks one out of the bowl and goes to put it in his mouth. He and I had a talk this week about how people food is a treat to gerbels and how we can't give them too much. Cute factor.. high!)
Sooo anyhow. 9:20 am. Dishes are running, Laundry is cycling, entrance is tiedied... time to get some more stuff done.
first cup of coffee