Happiness Day 3

Mar 27, 2014 10:24

Day 3: I Choose Happiness
As soon as you wake up, you start making choices. Most of your choices are to-do choices, like taking a shower, getting dressed, fixing breakfast or drinking caffeinated or decaffeinated. There is another category of choices which are your "to be" choices, like being present, being loving and being happy. So, here's a big question for you: From 0 to 10, how happy have you decided to be today? Is your score a 5 out of 10, or 3 out of 10, or 9 out of 10, perhaps? Can you find the place in your mind where you have already made a decision about how good today will be?

Be Happy Exercise: Some people chase happiness, and other people choose happiness. It all depends how much time you want to save. Try to find the place in your mind where you have already decided how good today will be. Are you happy with your decision? Set a positive intention right now to let today be even more enjoyable than you thought it was going to be. Now, turn your positive intention into action by doing three things that make your heart glow.


Ouch!  * glares*

I have sat here and stared at my fingers for a good 5 minutes.  My Brain wanting to think about anything other than this question.  I don't want to admit the answer because I don't want to commit to owning the changes that are needed.  Like losing weight, the awareness is the one step closer to knowing you are the only one that can decide ( honestly decide) to not be what you were yesterday - to be better tomorrow than you were today.  It's a lot easier to whine/complain about being [ insert thing you hate ] than to own the problem and be the change for yourself.

What level of happiness do I decide each morning that I am going to be for that day? ( see...  still avoiding answering )

>A certain Lady has been challenging me to believe and accept that ABUNDANCE is possible! Not sufficiency, ABUNDANCE.  I have truly always believed that what we needed would be there when we needed it if we continued to strive and toil.  "The Gods help those that Help Themselves."  But the wording was " what we need...".  This new thought is MORE than what we need - in fact, ABUNDANCE.  Our years to come will be filled with abundance!

This sounds like the same thought process.  Waking up in the morning saying " I can get through today in peace and contentment", " I can get through today without killing the children", or " Today will be an ok day..." sounds like the sufficiency thinking.  Why then am I SO scared of the prospect of waking up in the morning and saying " Today is going to Rock!  I am going to see so much happiness I will fall asleep with a smile on my face!"

If I accept that I am the one in control of how happy I am and IF I accept that it can be as " simple" as a change in my perceptions... then my unhappiness is self abusive, self punishing, and NOT a badge of honor for my strength of endurance.  Instead it becomes the dozen donuts purchased that self sabotage a goal to eat healthier. It is the active choice of moving the running shoes to avoid being busted for not walking rather than just walking.  It is an alcoholic choosing to walk into a bar. It is a choice...

Damn.  Now I want donuts.

happiness project, artwork, my thoughts, self analysis, my spirit, self developement, my life, journal, 2014, my space

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