I am the Cliche

Mar 10, 2010 09:53

Today I doubt my ability as an artist.  ( How Cliche)

Today I doubt my ability as a parent.  ( Also not unexpected)

Today I doubt my ability as a Mature Adult.  (Last night's temper tantrum would undermine my confidence in that.)

While doubt is a good tool for safeguarding against rash and impetuous behaviours, it can swing to extremes.  ( It's a good thing I am never at risk of that!)  Doubt can lead to a checking of facts, reassurances and then careful forward movement.  It can also lead to hesitation, fear and insecurity.  It can lead to immobility which then becomes a self fulfilling prophesy.   If one hesitates and stumbles forward, lacking in confidence and certainty, the chances of them succeeding in a way that would EMPOWER and INSPIRE self confidence is seriously diminished.  NOT saying it doesn't happen, but the gods ( BoB is my current favorite one ) do get tired of throwing us 'gimmies' and golden nuggets after a while.

So to deny Doubt the ability to turn into Self Defeat there are a few things needed.  
1) Activity - This does not mean turning on a movie!  Avoiding the area of challenge can give the mind a break and allow it to come back "fresh" but a week of blowing through the Oscar List and suddenly "fresh" is "restarting" because you have lost opportunities and momentum.

2) Commitment - If you have verified that the risks are reasonable, the outcome what you want, and your concerns covered...  be committed!  No!  I didn't say HAVE yourself Committed.  Just make a time line.  Make a list ( don't roll your eyes at me) of key steps/milestones to reach.  Then do each one in a timely fashion.  Don't hum and haw about IF you want to do it...  Don't hum and haw about if you cannnnnn......  Self Doubt is not doubt of an idea.  It's a lack of self faith and we are all guilty of under estimating ourselves!  We are NOT the best judge all the time!

3) Reward - Starbucks coffee for staying on task and doing two things on the list today.  A new pair of shoes for your first milestone.  A blog posting of a minor success so that friends can cheer you on.  Hell, a night of Oscars and risotto for staying on task all week.  We never stop being kids.  At the end of a week of 'school',  the day you bring home your report card, or after getting that science poster done on time, our step lightens when we get a tangible reward.

mmmmm  An hour of undisturbed Sims2 time!  Now that will motivate me today!

work, self analysis, first cup of coffee

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