Oxford Learning Center gives us a top ten List ( YAY LISTS!) to help us get ready to be ready for school! SO, gleefully, here it is in point form to the sound track of " Round them up... Head them out".
- Start with regular morning wake-up time. (an alarm clock will let them take responsibility for waking up in the morning)
- Make a healthy breakfast part of your daily habit.
- Have them choose clothing the night before.
- Pack a healthy lunch, labeled and ready to go.
- Start eating lunch at the same time as the school does and help your child’s stomach get on a schedule.
- Creating a homework routine by turning off the TV during the after-school hours. No homework? Sit at the table together and discuss what you did during the day.
- Play board or word games to help young minds stay focused. Discuss strategies to verbalize internal thought processes.
- Regular reliable bedtimes. Especially with the earlier wake up time!
- Read. Kids are natural mimics so when they see you reading, they are more likely to pick up a book.
- Back-to-school supplies do hold a certain magic for getting kids excited about hearing the school bell ring again.
So how do I grade in preparations so far?
- TWO alarm clocks are needed. 1) Wake up 2) "should be dressed and downstairs"
- Lots of options this year for Wheat Free Breakfasts. From Cereals to Pancakes. including Toast.
- A clothing system in discussion for the boys. A place for their Tomorrow Clothes each night.
- A bin of lunch boxes, all ready to go. Grocery day is Thursday. Kids have made wish lists for groceries.
- n/a
- Designing Home work "booths" and supplies station. Routine is next.
- sighs.... meh. A Wii doesn't count?
- I LIVE for bedtimes! * dreamy sighs*
- The reading thing... hmmm... Sunday nights are " Power Down" nights. Hopefully that will help.
- Grandma took care of 90% of those. Now it's labeling and the last 10%. ( I even got a new back pack for me.)
Overall, C+ ( C is average and considered an acceptable grade level by the Public School Systems.)