"bouquets of freshly sharpened pencils" ~ Meg Ryan - You've Got Mail

Aug 26, 2009 09:38

Oxford Learning Center gives us a top ten List ( YAY LISTS!) to help us get ready to be ready for school!   SO, gleefully, here it is in point form to the sound track of " Round them up... Head them out".  
  1. Start with regular morning wake-up time. (an alarm clock will let them take responsibility for waking up in the morning)
  2. Make a healthy breakfast part of your daily habit.
  3. Have them choose clothing the night before.
  4. Pack a healthy lunch, labeled and ready to go.
  5. Start eating lunch at the same time as the school does and help your child’s stomach get on a schedule.
  6. Creating a homework routine by turning off the TV during the after-school hours. No homework? Sit at the table together and discuss what you did during the day.
  7. Play board or word games to help young minds stay focused. Discuss strategies to verbalize internal thought processes.
  8. Regular  reliable bedtimes.  Especially with the earlier wake up time!
  9. Read. Kids are natural mimics so when they see you reading, they are more likely to pick up a book.
  10. Back-to-school supplies do hold a certain magic for getting kids excited about hearing the school bell ring again.
So how do I grade in preparations so far?  
  1. TWO alarm clocks are needed.  1) Wake up   2) "should be dressed and downstairs"
  2. Lots of options this year for Wheat Free Breakfasts.  From Cereals to Pancakes.  including Toast.
  3. A clothing system in discussion for the boys.   A place for their Tomorrow Clothes each night.
  4. A bin of lunch boxes, all ready to go.  Grocery day is Thursday.  Kids have made wish lists for groceries.
  5. n/a
  6. Designing Home work "booths" and supplies station.  Routine is next.
  7. sighs.... meh.   A Wii doesn't count?
  8. I LIVE for bedtimes!  * dreamy sighs*
  9. The reading thing... hmmm... Sunday nights are " Power Down" nights.  Hopefully that will help.
  10. Grandma took care of 90% of those.  Now it's labeling and the last 10%.   ( I even got a new back pack for me.)
Overall, C+  ( C is average and considered an acceptable grade level by the Public School Systems.) 

listography, my world, irish boys

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