"This is the religion I want to take fellowship in."
Now that is a compliment above compliments. In the midst of a discussion on the pros and cons of "Organized Religion", a quiet statement came from one corner. It was not toasted by the raising of the wine glasses in the hands of the audience, it was not even given more than a moment's nod in fact. It did, however, speak volumes.
In a day and age of high speed, on demand, and instant access, maintaining friendships often seems very difficult. Synchronizing day timers, coordinating child care, rush hour traffic and the sheer volume of life that rushes past outside your window combines with the ease of available entertainment within the home. Internet, text messages, high definition TV and video games make staying at home very enticing.
And solitary. Isolated. Secluded.
"Why don't we get together more often? We always have such a great time when we do." Many of my friends make similar comments after an amazing dinner party, a coffee out after a movie or even after a day walking through the current Festival or Street busking that this city offers on a regular basis. We feel and downright hunger for the spiritual connection that feeds us. Varying degrees of social needs makes it a very individual thing, but a universal theme none the less.
No Man is an island. Regardless of how well equipped the island is!
I am truly blessed to have a Fellowship of Friends who feed my spirit and who allow me to help feed theirs. It is truly a compliment to be considered such.
Ps. No lambs, witches, carrots or small spawns were sacrificed in this endeavor! Though much wine was poured!!!