LJ Plugins

Apr 28, 2008 13:20

well, I have been trying out different Blogging Tools of late.. and well.. sighs. I want the features from that one.. plus the feature from that one.. and add in the feature from that one.. * sighs* meh.

Windows Live Writer? like how it shows me exactly how it will look on my blog as I write it.. HOWEVER I couldn't seem to figure outhow to do " cuts" which I am sure many of you noticed... and it doesn't have the ability to add icon's. pft.

I could just use the website for LJ but I am too KeeKee and get distracted easily. I have lost more posts by closing windows without realising I haven't posted yet than I care to count.

So... Back to this olde one. Livejournal.net Just wish it would emulate the color schemes for the blogs. MEH!

first cup of coffee

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