Yesterday I finally got a copy of Dracula to read. I can't believe I have never read the full book yet. I have a few books with me not packed up and was trying to figure where to keep them in my room that is full of stuff of my mom's.
spiritofstlouis came up with an idea to keep them in a small box under the vcr. to my surprise I actually had one that fit in there and could hold the books. It is a fancy gift box from Dillard's and all pretty in gold.
Today was a day that I really needed. I have much to go into but I am tired. The other night
spiritofstlouis and I were up late into the night talking on the phone. I opened myself up and sharing things that I don't always feel comfortable talking about. I look back on that conversation and compare it to what happened today and I smile.
This coming week is going to be amazing. I am stunned that things have turned around like they have and am beginning to feel like there is a purpose in this life. That who I was to become and lost sight of is still there in me waiting to come out. I am not a lost cause. There is hope in this dreary world. I am blessed though loving and supporting others. I am whole because I am loved. There is a God in heaven and I am His Daughter and I know he has not forgotten me. He is here by my side each and everyday.