just some of the amusing and/or interesting mottos found at
http://www.modaruniversity.org/motto.htm ...
- Ad admissum - "About to be accepted"
- Ad heraldica tendo - "I long for heraldry"
- Aliquando et insanire iucundum est - "It is sometimes pleasant even to act like a madman"
- Amazones Infernae - "Amazons from Hell"
- Aptas impudens - "Acceptably rude"
- Aqua sub ponte omnis est - "It’s all water under the bridge"
- Arbor plena allouattarum - "A tree full of howler monkeys"
- Ars non ob artem sed ob pecunium - "Art not for the sake of art but for the sake of money"
- Assiduus usus uni rei deditus et ingenium et artem saepe vincit - "Constant practice devoted to one subject often outdoes both intelligence and skill"
- Au feu! Au Feu! - "Fire! Fire!"
- Auribus teneo lupum - "I have the wolf by the ears"
- Aut nunquam tentes, aut perfice - "Either do not attempt, or complete (Do, there is no try)" (thank you master yoda...)
- Basia Coquum - "Kiss the Cook!"
- Bon chat, bon rat - "A good cat deserves a good rat"
- Braccae illae virides cum subucula rosea et tunica Caledonia-quam elenganter concinnatur! * - "Those green pants go so well with that pink shirt and the plaid jacket!"
- Braccae tuae aperiuntur * - "Your fly is open"
- Cadus et virginitas semel dirupi eramus non possum reparare - "Casks and maidenhoods, once broached, cannot be repaired"
- Canis meus id comedit - "My dog ate it"
- Caterva carissima mea est Cimictus - "My favorite group is the Beatles"
- Cogito, ergo doleo - "I think, therefore I am depressed"
- Colluvio culturae - "A cultural dumping ground"
- Compone Accomoda Supera - "Improvise. Adapt. Overcome."
- Consilium habemus - "We have a plan"
- Credo Elvem ipsum etian vivere - "I believe that Elvis is still alive"
- Credo quia absurdem est - "I believe it because it is absurd"
- Cur rides? Ridiculum non sum! - "Why are you laughing? I'm not weird!"
- Da mihi sis crustum Etruscum cum omnibus in eo - "I'll have a pizza with everything on it"
- Demum, veniunt porci - "At last, here come the pigs"
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