Modly contact information

Oct 11, 2011 12:51

Since this has dropped pretty far off the page, I just want to remind everyone that if you want to contact me you can get in touch by email at pennywhistle (at) gmail (dot) com or by PMing this account.

Or you can just post a comment on any post (preferably not the sign-up post, but it's not a big deal if you do) if your question is something you don't mind other people being able to see.

Also! Since livejournal's been down for a decent amount of time for me today I just want to remind everyone here that there is a dreamwidth mirror of the exchange. You can sign up and keep track of everything there if there's any major downtime. If you'd like to ask for a dreamwidth invite I have some to spare, but you're welcome to do everything anonymously (or by openid) if you don't want to make a new account.

mod contact info

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