secondcityrpg Application

Sep 18, 2010 13:07

This is pending revision and actual application!

[OOC Information]
Name: Kalina/Kiki
Age: 29
AIM / E-mail / LiveJournal: k1k1bug /
What characters do you play here already, if any? None

[IC Information]
Character Name: Justine (no last name given so far, which implies that changes; but in the supernatural world affiliation... structure of things, she is in the protection of the Raith family, so she may use Justine Raith, possibly.)

Series: The Dresden Files

Gender: Definitely Feminine

Age: Mid-to-late 20s

Species: Human

Appearance: Justine is not particularly tall (five-seven in heels), slender, scrumptious. Her face is both lovely and sweet, gorgeous and still in the girl-next-door category, a pink blush on her cheeks both vibrant and alive, heart-melting smile. Relatively fair skin, dark eyes. Her hair used to be dark, too, but is currently growing silver-white, thick and soft and wavy, just discolored. She is beautiful, in a different way but almost comparable with the White Court vampires (sufficiently so that she does not stand out among them like a crow against swans). Most days, she tends to wear stylish, expensive (because Lara wouldn't have it any other way, for her staff) women's business suits; for other activities, she has been known to dress appropriately (including elaborate robes or full-body leather suits). Justine has lived among the White Court since she was fifteen or sixteen, her appearance has inevitably styled after that, and so have her body language and mannerisms.
There is (likely) a scar, six horizontal lines across her stomach from the attack of a Skinwalker on Chateau Raith.

Personality: The overall impression Justine leaves, and not unwarranted, is sweet. Even if she is playing on the side of vampires (technically, one vampire, but it doesn't always show), her decisions are not made out of ignorance or blindness, but rather conscious choice, and thus she has as much control over her actions as she can - and that goes to being helpful, or as much so as she can be.
Her loyalty is primarily to Thomas Raith and Thomas Raith alone. With that in mind, she can and does work for others, and unless their directives go counter with Thomas's, she will willingly go to whatever ends they send her. Usually, if Thomas is indifferent to something or she completely doesn't know his take on it, she will defer to the opinion of Lara Raith (under advisement) and Harry Dresden (more clandestinely, generally, since there are various reasons for the connection between Harry and Thomas to not be obvious).
Justine seems mild, obedient, empty-headed and flighty in social situations and highly qualified in her job; a lot of those appearances are only that. She has strong will and clear vision of thing, rarely misled by what things seem to be. That comes from spending too much time in the White Court where power functions around subtlety, misleading each other, and backstabbing which cannot be traced to its source as being such - and she is part of the reigning family. This has, invariably, left its imprint on her; however, again, she is aware of it, and uses it, rather than letting it use her.

A flaw in her is the insanity, which used to be held in check by Thomas/White Court feeding on her (which she preferred because medications 'made her sick'), but after the protection is in place, one assumes that the problem is contained by medicating once again, since she seems with time to recover her personality completely after the events surrounding that.

She is used to being used - in fact, she assumes that anybody with even the slightest bit of authority over her will do so, and will consent to that if it fits her purposes - or seek the protection of somebody close who is powerful enough to provide that protection, if it doesn't. Also, she is not at all above using herself as means to an end. Her end, usually. Such as keeping Thomas safe, or at least giving him a better chance of survival.

History: Little is know about Justine before she came into the aegis of Thomas Raith (estimate at age 15 or 16, five years prior when Harry estimates her age to not or barely old enough to be legally allowed to drink) but the fact that a Red Court vampire wanted her to work for her house for... companions. But Thomas snatched her first, and she will always be thankful for that. Which may be somewhat confusing for some - becoming the doe of a White Court vampire, as opposed to Red Court. Both's ... attentions are addictive, and bring intense pleasure, and lead to, in the end, demise; for Justine, however, there is a difference. Because she became not just any White Court vampire's, but Thomas Raith's in particular. And even if at that point he still seemed nothing more than an ambulatory penis, Justine had a better idea. Her special needs worked well with his efforts not to take too much from her - the fact that she was still alive and healthy after five years together is a pretty good indication of that. Alive, healthy, and happy. And reasonably well-educated (although this part is almost jokingly implied, rather than expanded on). And treated to whatever kinds of living the great life Thomas felt like. Vacations all over the world, expensive cars, expensive clothes, amazing parties.

Until one night when Thomas was brought home too hurt to be in control of himself; the damages he had taken would need him to feed deeply to recover. Need to feed with somebody's life.
His father decreed that it must be Justine who is there for Thomas to feed. Justine went to it of her own volition, knowing fully well that she was going to her death. Eyes wide open.

But then Thomas somehow managed something that was not considered possible. He fed deeply, yes - but he managed to reign in his Hunger before he took Justine's life. Too far gone, he didn't even remember that, when he regained consciousness - he believed that he had killed Justine. When he had almost sacrificed his own possibility to survive in order to preserve hers.

Drained almost to the point of death, Justine did live, if barely. Her hair turned white, and has been growing like that ever since - as rich and thick as before, just completely devoid of color.

Slowly, ever so slowly, she began recovering her capacities, both from being almost killed, and from the long-term addiction to being fed upon by an incubus. But there was one other major change - the sacrifices she and Thomas had made for each other that night revealed what had been growing between them and shouldn't have, considering what Thomas is - actual, real love. It gives her a protection from the touch of any White Court vampire. Including Thomas; any touch with her, even so little as a strand of her hair, results in heavy burns for him. Even a present she makes for him, worked for him in love, is enough to burn him (or any of his White Court brethren) on the touch.

As she recovers, Justine remains in the protection of the Raith family while Thomas, with his attempt to not damage people, even though he is what he is, is a persona non grata in the White Court. Generally. In fact, the actual power - Lara Raith - is not nearly as ill-disposed towards him as appearances indicate. However, the trust between them is nowhere near real. She keeps Justine both in her protection - and as a security on his behavior. Meanwhile, Justine's recovery - mental, if not physical - is faster than most people realize; she consents to stay with the Raith household also as a spy, in case something helpful for Thomas (and Harry) occurs and they need to know about it.

Since then, Justine has been trained to a personal assistant of Lara and has become reasonably close and trusted as such. Protection from her kind allows Lara to rely on her with things that she would rather keep a secret, as none of the White Court can use their powers on Justine to force her to reveal those.

This is the position she has been occupying since, including after Thomas was taken in by the White Court again after his heavily damaging run-in with the Skinwalker.

And yes, the love between her and Thomas has not decreased. If anything, her maturing allows them to work even better as a team, when situations call for that.

Supernatural Abilities: She doesn't have any of her own; however, the real love existing between her and Thomas Raith gives her a protection from the touch (and feeding) of any White Court vampire. (Thomas included.) This kind of protection is extended to anyone who truly loves somebody and is loved by that person in return. Touching her skin or hair means heavy burns for any of the White Court.

Natural Abilities: She is in good shape; living among creatures who are faster and stronger and more graceful than her all the time has meant that she's kept herself in good shape and has worked on having sufficient body control not to stand out garishly by being clumsy, slow, etc. She is clever, it is indicated that Lara Raith uses her as a secretary/personal assistant and is appreciative of her abilities and, with time, skills. So. Human-woman level strong, intelligent, and, within the parameters of somebody who's lived so long in the White Court, kind. Also very resourceful, the kind of person who will be thorough enough to include, oh, Craiglist, in a search about supernatural problems.
She is also a lip-reader.

Possessions: Clothes, purse with normal contents (money, make-up, possibly crochet yarn and needle, magazine, book (which?), smart phone, charger), foldable air horn, a small but respectable handgun with two extra cartridges (that Raith have security doesn't mean she can afford to be careless); medication good for two weeks.

First-person POV journal sample:
I guess the whole perspective thing really makes a difference on how we take things, doesn't it. I remember a time when I used to complain about the fact that medications make me feel queasy, especially when I had an alternative. But when things happen compared to which feeling a little nauseated is nothing, and there is not much choice... Ah well. Of course I'll take them. They work well enough to keep the whole feeling and acting feral thing at bay, and I certainly do not want that to come back.

So - I take my pills, go for refills every so often, and have a smile for whoever has business in Ms. Raith's office, no matter how odd I may feel. It is much better than waiting for medical attention with a serious stomach wound, any day.

Third-person POV rp sample:
"Oh, and I'm throwing a party tomorrow night, at my suite at the hotel. As many people as I can get in, just like always. Coming?"

Even after all the years, offers like that still made Justine's heart clench. A reminder that the world kept moving, despite what had happened to her and her world; that the people they had known together were still exactly the same and having the same taste in life as when she and Thomas had ... enjoyed the Chicago night life together. It was a good thing. She couldn't quite always face it. Her smile didn't waver, but she shook her head to decline. "I'm sorry..."

"What, once again having a new hair and a new job and dressing all," Cherry waved a hand towards the conservative business-wear that Justine featured for the slightly extended lunch break down, "means you can't help out a friend in need?"

"That's not what I-- oh," she pointed a finger back, "that is emotional blackmail, you know. You're not even in such a great need, everybody will come, as always."

"I learned from the best," smirk, and green eyes focusing on her made Justine scrunch up her nose.

"Oh, so that's what you've learned from me, then? I'm so incredibly proud of myself now."

"Mm-hmm. And so you should be, darling. Now come on, please!" Long lashes batted in her direction, and she lost all sort of doubt that Cherry just wanted her to come - she wouldn't be treated to that, if it wasn't the case.

The shadow that had crossed Justine's mind at the idea wasn't completely gone, but it was vaguer. Of course, it wouldn't be the first party with people they'd both known that she went to since going anywhere together had become infinitely more complicated. She shrugged, then smiled. "Okay, okay. If nothing else comes up, I'll do my best."

"Wonderful! Any chance that you'll wear something other than white or gray?"

"Of course." She pretended to think about it, "how about maroon with golden highlights?"

"Oh, that would be beautiful. Can you come up with it by to-- oh, of course you can, why did ever doubt you? That would be amazing, darling, can't wait to see you there. Andrew will be there, too, did you hear--"

And the conversation got deflected to the next round of juicy, light gossip that sometimes drifted tidbits of information that the carriers were completely oblivious of but those who got a good look at the dark easily put together, if only the would pay attention.

Justine paid attention. It wasn't the only reason for keeping up with her friends, but it was among them, both for Lara's use and for Thomas's sake. As always.

Chances that something would require her presence and services tomorrow night were real, if not particularly high. But she was at disposal, within some very wide limits. They would... have to see how things shook down.

fic, info, reference, second city rpg, ic, ooc, application

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