Layers, stolen from Jack

Jul 27, 2008 22:28

LAYER ONE: On the Outside
Name: Boone Carlyle
Birth date: May 15, 1982
Birthplace: Malibu
Current Location: New York
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Dark brown
Height: 5'9"
Righty or Lefty: Righty.
Zodiac Sign: Taurus.

LAYER TWO: On The Inside
Your heritage: Of European descent.
Shoes you wore today: Sneakers.
Your weakness: My sister. Hot guys.
Your fears: Being useless.
Your perfect pizza: Sausage and peppers, wheat crust, extra-melted cheese.
Goal you'd like to achieve: To be alive again, actually. To be able to take care of people I care about, and to be of use to them.

LAYER THREE: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Your most overused phrase on AIM: Well, I usually spell things out.
Your thoughts on first waking up: The dead don't sleep. Ha. Like I can remember?
Your best physical feature: My eyes.
Your bedtime: When I feel like falling asleep.
Your most missed memory: When my mom was happy and nice.

Pepsi or Coke: Coke
McDonald's or Burger King: Neither, they're both pretty nasty.
Single or group dates: Depends.
Adidas or Nike: Nike.
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton, I guess.
Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino.

Smoke: Nah, didn't really like it.
Cuss: Yeah.
Sing: When the mood strikes.
Take a shower everyday: If I can.
Have a crush(es): Perhaps.
Think you've been in love: Yeah.
Like(d) high school: I liked things about high school.
Want to get married: It'd be illegal in most states. And I'm not really interested.
Believe in yourself: Sometimes.
Get motion sickness: No.
Think you're attractive: No. I know it.
Think you're a health freak: Not particularly.
Get along with your parents: My dad left my mom when I was really little, and I was raised by a nanny, mostly.
Like thunderstorms: Don't hate them.
Play an instrument: I know how to play the guitar a bit.

LAYER SIX: In the past month...
Drank alcohol: Yes.
Smoked: Nope.
Done a drug: Locke's wonky head paste. No.
Gone on a date: Nope.
Gone to the mall?: No.
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: No.
Been on stage: No.
Been dumped: No.
Gone skating: No.
Gone skinny dipping: Yes.
Dyed your hair: No.
Stolen anything: No.

Played a game that required removal of clothing: Of course.
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Oh yeah.
Been caught "doing something": Sure.
Been called a tease: Maybe.
Gotten beaten up: Yes.
Shoplifted: A few times.

LAYER EIGHT: Getting Older
Age you hope to be married: How about never?
How do you want to die: Not by being crushed by a plane. Feeling at peace and fulfilled, ideally.
What do you want to be when you grow up: I thought I was grown up.
What country would you most like to visit: Somewhere in South America.

LAYER NINE: In a girl/guy
Best eye color?: Doesn't really matter.
Best hair color?: Again, not too important.
Short or long hair: Somewhere in between.
Height: My height or taller, preferably.
Best articles of clothing: Nicely dressed, but not formal.
Best first date location: Cafe.

LAYER TEN: In The Numbers...
Number of drugs taken illegally: 3
Number of people I could trust with my life: 0, maybe 1
Number of CDs that I own: No idea.
Number of piercings: None.
Number of tattoos: None.
Number of scars on my body: Like I'd really count something like that.
Number of children I want: Big ol' zero.
Number of things in my past that I regret: Just one, really.


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