Hello, everybody....
I'm not dead - apparently. Sorry for the terrible delay, I'll do my best to catch up with all your entries...
Here's my meme list - sorry but I wasn't able to upload any picture. Have I already said I suck at technology? ^__^
1) Beloved of all (well, Jun should have expected this), aka Hephaistion. (“Brunette general” seemed too trivial to me... )
http://www.allmoviephoto.com/photo/2004_alexander_228.html 2) Books
3) Brian Kinney (main character of tv show “Queer as Folks”)
http://www.google.it/imgres?q=brian+kinney&hl=it&sa=X&rlz=1T4SKPT_itIT435IT435&tbm=isch&prmd=imvnso&tbnid=9qEX8YF1zravkM:&imgrefurl=http://fuckyeahbriankinney.tumblr.com/page/32&docid=t5f1miUIPdNb1M&w=500&h=636&ei=Pph7TsjmDq754QTV4q2rDQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=404&vpy=102&dur=3154&hovh=253&hovw=199&tx=120&ty=150&page=1&tbnh=115&tbnw=97&start=0&ndsp=26&ved=1t:429,r:19,s:0&biw=1311&bih=565 4) Blue (my favorite color - and my daughter’s eyes color)
5) Bad boys (as childish as it can be)
6) Blue Bottle (a literary game my friends and I do once a month)
7)Bear Hugs: they say we Italians are touchy…
8) ”Born to be alive”: the song of my first dance at my first party
9) Beer: my favourite summer drink
10) Brilliant Brains in Beautiful Bodies (nobody said I had to list only existing things…)