Typey-typey Linky-linky x-posted

Jul 23, 2008 12:57

One of the DAs has realised that I type much faster than he does and has been giving me screeds of hand-written notes to type up. It's nice to have something useful to do (I haven't forgotten your editing Beau! I'll do more today), plus he buys me Cokes. :)

Here are some things I think worth linking to and why.

New Zealand swim-wear label Ginger Lover. I was first pointed to these beautiful vintage styled swimsuits by the now defunct Special Knives blog. I keep going back though, to look at them and drool. Their sheer pretty almost convinces me that buying togs online is not a bad idea. They have ruffle-backed bikini bottoms!!!

Dr Horrible's Tea of Evil is a black tea blend. The company Adagio Teas also has a range of "Serenitea" inspired teas! The Kaylee looks especially num. I don't know if you can get in NZ though :(

The Tor website is giving away free books in various digital formats. I think for this week only though. I may have downloaded many for later perusal. Mmm, bookses. The same page also has links to downloadable cover art.

And now a special something for those who love things both crafty and geeky, Geek Central Station is an etsy seller who makes geeky, geeky amigurumi, aka incredibly cute crocheted toys. She specialises in LotR and Starwars ones, but has done many others. Check out her flickr for even more photos of the awesome.

What, you thought you might get actual content... from *me*?

Point of Fashion: Cycling
Current Obsession: material goods
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