Well, it's been ages since I posted, but right now, a few days into a road trip, seems like a good time to do so.
In the last three days, we've made our way south from Ohio, stopping to have at least one meal in each of six states. We've:
- (accidentally, after a traffic jam and extremely convoluted detour) visited the Civil War battlefields of Fredericksburg, VA
- spent an afternoon dining on delicious sandwiches, cheese, and Honig Sauvignon Blanc and wandering around Colonial Williamsburg
- waded in the waves, had a surprisingly excellent fish dinner - Mahi Mahi, tuna, and a crab cake - and watched a very good Army band concert at Virginia Beach
- utterly unexpectedly found the best Thai food we've had in the US, in Jacksonville, NC. Seriously. The Old Siam in Jacksonville, NC is AMAZING. The best we've had outside of Bangkok, which sounds snooty but is really heartfelt. We were in shock for hours after our impulsive lunch there.
- gone hiking in the marshes, on the beaches, and in the woods of South Carolina, dined on more delicious seafood - this time, sea bass for me - and played mini-golf in the monsooning rain (
sweetypotatoe is a very good sport, and it was beyond disappointing to have the fire-breathing dragon be put out by the rain.)
We've also found nine geocaches with only minor injuries; the mosquitos of South Carolina are vicious, the brambles are widespread, and the ant mound that
sweetpotatoe and I stepped on proved full of enthusiastic fire ants.
Right now we're "helping"
sweetypotatoe and her husband celebrate their second anniversary. (It's only turnabout; we celebrated our own second anniversary with them last fall.) Martinis are being made, and champagne is being chilled as dinner is cooked.
Tomorrow we leave again to celebrate July 4th with
ayb2 and family.
Before I go eat, I do want to offer the following salutations:
Happy Anniversary,
Happy Anniversary,
Happy Birthday,
and finally, a big Happy Birthday to my mother!!