Belgian chocolate cake + Tarragon tea = awesome

May 10, 2010 16:03

Today is National Election day~ Here's to hoping that Filipinos choose the best candidate possible for president. *crosses fingers*

Anyway, the past few days were quite eventful - my mom is a public school teacher, so she also counts polls for the elections. The automated system is supposed to make things much, much easier for her (though no less nerve-wracking - you never know when candidates will resort to violence to keep the polls from coming out), but it's been a big headache for the past few weeks. Hell, Saturday ended up with me and my dad restlessly pacing and waiting around the house while their district conducted a mock election to test the equipment. My mom finally called around 11:30 pm - just waiting for the technicians took all day, so their testing commenced around 7 pm. Argh.

Sunday was Mother's Day. My dad decided to treat her to an awesome meal at Tagaytay (one of those posh, expensive restaurants people go looking for in the middle of nowhere). We had to pick up my sister from her hospital duty (and no sleep for the past 24 hours, poor thing) first, but we made it to the reservation just on time. It very pretty - it had gardens all over the place, and the dining area is practically a greenhouse next to plants being misted by water. The food was great and locally grown, plus the servings were really big (you can ask for refills as much as you want - which is why we kept the fruit plates even after they took the salad away). We had our chocolate cake dessert accompanied by tarragon tea which smelled so heavenly, everyone asked for refills no matter how full we were. :D

I'm on house watch right now - my dad has to bring my sister to university later, and mom might not be home til past midnight (during the past polls, she usually came home early the next day from counting ballots all night), but we're hoping the automation can make her finish much earlier. All my grandmas went home to their home districts so that they can vote, so it's a quiet afternoon over here. It took us an hour and a half to vote this morning (Dad, little sis and I), but it was so hot, we came home and immediately cracked open some ice cream to cool down.

I tried to fix the kitchen sink blockage, but toilet plunger + liquid sosa proved inadequate. :(

Kanji count: 875 (1000, I am almost there~)
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