Aug 02, 2007 18:09
I keep having the same dream about Chris sleeping with other women. It is not identical to the previous slumber NIGHTMARE but the first time it occurred, he slept with my sister and in the dream it was my sister that came to me, describing that they were having a secret affair and wanted things to clear out before me and him went to UA together. I woke up that morning, just fresh from the dream from hell, and I was crying. Chris was sleeping with me that night and comforted me the moment my eyes popped open, but other than the five minute cuddle session it still sucked!
Then, last night I was dreaming about him having sex in the shower with one of my coworkers on vacation. It sucked because I saw him like slap her ass when she was "sneaking" out of the bathroom door. Dear God, Lauren woke me up before I could chew his ass out but I was not happy with this morning either.
The weird thing is that I have never once fell short of trusting him one hundred percent in the woman department. I have found my nook on his chest, where my head seems to fit perfectly between his chest bone and his shoulder blade. I find all my love nad security and peace when we cuddle and I can lay there. It all feels so real to me when we just laugh and tickle and smile together.
And so, this again leaves me in a weird funk. Why do I continue to dream these dreams if I have never once considered him cheating on me? He is so loyal and honest.... I am somewhat childishly fearing that this is a premonition for the future. I refuse.
I cannot even imagine Chris cheating on me. So Dear Dreams: I would really appreciate it if we went back to cool scenes of snow capped mountains, pixie dust, or simple G-rated motion pictures. This way I can wake up, roll out of bed, and nuzzle Chris' cheek without wanting to punch it instead. Thanks!
- Dreary Dreamer