Socialism, Marxism, Leninism, fascism, Nazism, Stalinism, Maoism -- few, if any, "-isms" have been left off as
the right turns up the volume and the vitriol in its daily verbal assault on the Obama's agenda.
According to a search from, since Obama's inauguration in January, these terms and others like them have been thrown around on cable news at least 3,000 times. Add conservative talk radio and the nation's newspaper op-ed pages to the mix and watch that figure grow exponentially!
Take the third most-listened-to radio voice in America, San Francisco's Michael "I think Autistic kids are faking it" Savage, who recently called Obama "
a neo-Marxist fascist dictator in the making." That's one of the nicer things this classless tool has said of the president during his daily three-hour hatefest. He's also claimed that the "
radical left," including Obama, "dreams" of "Maoist revolution" with "death camps" and that Obama appointees "
actually have almost the same exact policies as the Nazi Party did." Facts are obviously not even a part of his show, he offers nothing to back his imbecilic claims.
Then there's Fox News' "Make it up on the spot" king, Sean Hannity, who has dubbed the United States under Obama the "
United States of France" (bonus points for the clever tie in with the despised French) and the president himself "
Commissar-in-Chief." Hannity, who would never pass up an opportunity to regurgitate GOP talking points, has even lauded House Republicans for finally using the "
S-word." He's also said the Obama administration "
is on a mission to hijack Capitalism in favor of Collectivism. ... The Bolsheviks have already arrived." He opened one recent show by declaring, "
Day number 52 of the Socialism that you've been waiting for." At least he can count. Spelling, on the other hand, doesn't appear to be Hannity's strong suit. His Commie hating blood runs so -- well, red, I guess, that his program recently misspelled "
comrades" in their on-air graphics!
The same clueless tards who've compared progressive policy to Communism have gone on to accuse the president and other Democrats of "
McCarthyism! WTF?!? The mind bogglingly stupidity of this comparison is obviously lost on those screaming it the loudest!
It would be a bit like calling forth demons and cavorting with Satan days before kicking off a witch hunt!
No issue bunches the panties of conservatives quite like health-care reform! For
more than 75 years, conservatives have smeared attempts to reform our faltering health-care system by labeling it the scary sounding "socialized medicine."
Anyone who argues that Obama's health-care reform initiatives amount to "socialized medicine" is being disingenuous at best. At worst, they lack the basic knowledge of what "socialized medicine" actually is.
Simply put, health-care initiatives that leave the for-profit health insurance industry alone, reform that leaves doctors free to offer their services outside of a government system, reform that gives people a choice between a private health-care plan over a government plan simply can't be described with any honesty as "socialized medicine."
As the Urban Institute
put it last year, "socialized medicine involves government financing and direct provision of health care services," and therefore, current progressive health-care reform proposals do not "fit this description."
Of course facts in evidence have never stopped conservatives from claiming otherwise for decades. Since the 1930s, these twits have assailed at least 16 different progressive health-care reform initiatives as "socialized medicine" or as a step that would inevitably lead in that direction.
Franklin Roosevelt's
consideration of government health insurance when drafting the 1935 bill that created Social Security, or Lyndon Johnson's 1965 amendment to the Social Security Act establishing Medicare?
Conservatives were quick to run with the "socialized medicine" smear.
Ronald Reagan, patron saint of greedy fucktards everywhere actually released an album full of inflammatory language in 1964, when he was on the stump for Barry Goldwater, in his Presidential bid
said of Medicare, "Will you resist the temptation to get a government handout for your community? Realize that the doctor's fight against socialized medicine is your fight. We can't socialize the doctors without socializing the patients." Of course likening it to the dreaded Socialism......
It is their one trick pony, in order to keep Big Pharma, and Insurance political donations, contributions and bribes pouring in, they will happily sell your life, and your health for some lobbyist cash, or a fat campaign contribution, or in Billy Tauzin's case, a multi million dollar position as CEO of a corporation Tauzin sponsored a bill for!