Just the right size

Apr 17, 2012 18:45

Looking down at my feet in the shower, I realized that I am just the right size.

That is a completely relative term.

Once, I wished for being taller, or having bigger boobs, or longer legs. But, perhaps age has granted me the wisdom to realize that I am just the right size for who I am and who I wish to be.

My father once said that I could never play the piano, because my hands are too small. I think I will still someday take up lessons to learn that art, because the piano has always intrigued me despite those words. I truly think my father said that because he couldn't afford the lessons.

But that is not the point of this blog.

I am not particularly tall. I once mourned that fact, because I could never be Miss America or a model, or an actress, all of which are stupid and irrelevant goals in the reality of life. I am also not particularly short. I can reach most of my shelves and can totally fold myself to sleep in a small ball in order to sleep comfortably on an airline seat (yes, I caught the flight attendants laughing at me).

But, again, that is not the point.

I have feet that are sized to find cute shoes. I can also usually find clothing that fits. I would love for my boobs to be bigger in a bathing suit, but my husband appreciates them as they are. My bum is rounded from hours of walking to and from work (and I save a lot of money on gas because my car sits in the driveway).

My arms are short, but I can reach all the parts of my back in the shower with my scrubby, if I bend the right way.

When I cuddle my husband, I am the perfect fit - not that I can think of what a perfect fit might be. It simply is. And I would think that, whatever size each of us were, would be perfect anyway.

I can touch my toes. Although I do give some credit to a lot of stretching.

So, all things considered, I don't think I would change a single thing. I do not need to be taller or shorter. I don't need to be faster or stronger. My nose doesn't need to be smaller or bigger. I sort of like my toes just as they are. I have discovered contentment with the size that I am. It was what I was meant to be, and it serves the perfect purpose for my life. I can do all I desire to do, when I feel like doing it.

When I was young, I found my size to be a disadvantage in many things, but, actually, it was a gift, giving me the opportunity to be me.

I can't ask for anything more.
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