Dec 05, 2009 21:01
I saw a wonderful quote yesterday which I wanted to post here. Unfortunately, I managed to misplace it (it was written on a cup from Chipotle Grill) It was something to the effect of: "If you accomplish everything you want to in your lifetime, you aren't thinking big enough"
I agree with that. There's always the new goal, the new project, the next adventure to be undertaken.
I am amazed at myself when I look back. Each thing I've done feels like a separate chapter in my life. As one thing ends, sometimes by my choice, sometimes not, I always seem to have a new interest that eagerly awaits.
When I commit to one of my adventures, I tend to put my heart into it. Now, as I look back, I feel like I've lived more than one lifetime and I've loved almost all of them. (except for the 3 years I was engaged to that dip, Michael, who only wanted me to stay inside all the time and be utterly boring)
I no longer fly airplanes very much, but I don't regret a single moment that I spent flying. I was talking with my husband about that yesterday. I was massively into it, spent every nice day flying or studying flying, but now, there are other things. Karate the same way. Seven wonderful years of learning a skill and I will take the benefits of it with me always. No regrets, but I couldn't imagine committing all my spare time to that like I once did.
New and wonderful things await. I look forward to each and every one. My advice to others: never say your are bored. Pick up the phone book (or web browser) and choose something that you want to do. Chances are there are lessons, or clubs, or other ways to begin. Go do. Love it, cherish it, and when you are done because it no longer makes you joyful, be it weeks or months or years, let it go and move on to the next.
Years later, you'll look back and be amazed at all you've done.
Live, love, and laugh.