I spent a couple hours in the library after work today, because there was a gap before this coworker Christmas party I had to go to but it was too long a ride to make going home worth it. There is seriously no place on Earth that I love more than the library. Every time, I walk out thinking 'I can't believe they gave me all these books for free!!1
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Comments 2
Because, yeah. You can never get enough library.
You're right, though. Having to return the books is paiiiiinful, and I hate it, and why oh why can't they just give me the books because I love them so????
Mmmm, books. Almost as perfect as dogs and kitties. And they don't murder your houseplants.
I really do get attached to the books! I hate having to give them back. There's a reason I don't often borrow books from friends--it's almost impossible to give them back up. At least with the library I can tell myself 'I'm giving the book up so someone else can love it!' It's like giving them up for adoption, sort of. *grins*
Yes. Almost as perfect. If books purred, wanted their pages rubbed, and were soft and cuddly, well, the world would be a perfect place.
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