we'll get out of reach

Feb 07, 2014 14:46

I made a New Year's resolution to be on LJ every day. /o\

Well, at least I still read and comment off and on, I just can't seem to make myself post. It's this combo of writer's block and moderate stress--when I get 15 minutes or whatever, I mostly just want to mindlessly read. I've gone through about a trillion words recently; Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn trilogy (which I thoroughly enjoyed), a reread of the LotR trilogy (which I adore), a pile of Jennifer Crusie books, a massive LotR wip featuring my longtime OTP Legolas/Gimli omg favorites, and a lot of long Sherlock fic, which was mostly unsatisfying, sigh.

First semester was a success--4.0. \o/ I took a class over the winter break and got another 4.0 there. Very smug. Much self-satisfied. Wow. This semester I'm taking 5 more classes and I'm also back at my old job part-time, temporarily (15 hours a week/12 weeks), and it's a little harder to focus than I'd like, but it's not forever.

In more exciting news, my mom quit smoking after 40 years and I'm thrilled about it. She also got a puppy, a black/tan shepherd mix, who is an utter triumph of good-dogness; smart, obedient, sweet as hell, and looks up to her big sister the pupcake with adoring eyes. <3<3<3 I might literally die of jealousy, I want a dog so bad, but at least they're within visiting range so I can get some good skritches in.

Oogie and Sally sat close enough together on the bed today that their fur touched. !!!!! This is a shocking leap forward in feline relations, after six years of Sally desperately wanting to be friends and Oogie ranging from pissy to coolly distant. I maintain the hope of seeing them snuggle at some point in my lifetime. Their time of friendship will happen someday. Someday.

And a bunch of awesome things are coming up--we'll have fannish company next week, and Martha and I are going to the Night Vale live show in Boston at the end of the month, and an Old Crow Medicine Show/Avett Brothers show in March, and we're starting to plan a honeymoon trip to Europe for late spring/early summer! :D :D :D We're thinking we'll do a couple days in Ireland, long enough to see a bit of Dublin and some of the countryside, before heading to Paris for a few more days. I'm so excited I could barf, but that might just be the huge number of Girl Scout cookies I've eaten in the last hour and a half.

So that's all the news that's fit to print. I've vowed that at some point next week I'm going to post about the wedding--how was it already four months ago? omg--and then maybe I'll feel less blocked. In the meantime, I'm mostly caught up on y'all and thank you for continuing to post to LJ so that I can creep over your lives and interests in detail and at length. :D
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