Not-a-con crud, round 2.

Jan 23, 2008 13:51

I went to bed last night feeling cruddy but functional--sore all over, unable to get warm but running a low fever, crushing headache, meh.

Overnight my fever spiked and, I don't know, I woke up at 7 with a reasonable temperature of 100.7, but I had every blanket I own on the bed, the heat was set at a million, and there were full glasses of water in the fridge. I don't really remember wandering around. I remember getting up to take pills but all the other stuff I did = a mystery to me. Fun!

I called in and went back to bed, and felt much better when I got back up. Temperature in the 97s, ravenously hungry, tempted to clean the living room again. I almost feel bad about not being at work, actually. I just turned in all the paperwork for my review yesterday. It seems like a bad time to be out. *grins*

However, we're about to head into a new cycle of testing-things which means more overtime, and I realized this weekend that I'm really behind on all my fandoms. So it's either get caught up now or admit that my primary fandom is my cats and be done with it. Sick time where I don't feel that sick anymore: Score!

Dear the rest of bandom, I hope you're all feeling better too. We've got to stop doing this to each other! Next time, I recommend we take vitamins, don't hang out in 15 degree weather, and quarantine ourselves from sick bands, which would be easier if they weren't underfoot all the damn time, but I'm sure we'll manage somehow. Not-a-con crud round 3 would pretty much have to be the plague for reals at this point, so it seems like a good idea to have a plan. And maybe an evacuation route. One that doesn't go near Harvard Square. *g*
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