THAT was an exceptional kiss... at least as far as Japanese dramas are concerned. I think my stomach did a minor back-flip. was so unexpected! I was fine with the forehead kiss (and I think she was too), but then POW!
Love Story took some time...but I wanted to watch something with Shingo in it. I don't know that this was the best choice, though, since he was a background character. Oh, well. Maybe next time.....or Spring's Getsuku!!!!!!!!!!!! *so excited* Even without that, I've become a believer in the hype. No matter the plot, I'm pretty much ready to watch whatever Fuji throws in that time slot... wait, Tokyo Dogs was a Getsuku? REALLY?! Forget I said anything then. Especially since Suppli was in that slot too. Just no.
Okay, back to what I was watching and therefor talking about - Love Story. It was cute. I liked it. Would have been better if I didn't have sub issues every 1 in 3 episodes. That made it a bit more of a challenge. Especially since the second half of the last episode was included in that 1/3. Just proves that I need to study more. I guess I don't have a lot to say really. It was acceptable.
I do have one beef, however. And that is the opening credits. They were very pretty. I'm not sure how they related to the story, but that might have been lost on me due to sub issues. That is not my problem, though. My problem is that they are holding hands in the credits. I mean, we all know where it will end. There really is no question. But I sometimes like to pretend that I don't know. And the credits took that away from me. Also, the song is stuck in my head.
Keeper: already
Tissues: never got emotionally involved enough, but that could be my own fault for trying to juggle too many dramas at once
Resolution: 10 - love it!
Overall: solid B