Since I logged into this journal this morning, I thought maybe I'd go ahead and do a little update, though I think fewer and fewer people are on LJ these days. Have you all left for Dreamwidth and Tumblr for all your fandom needs these days? Have you all just left fandom altogether? If I'm honest, I really miss fandom a lot, but there is nothing
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Yep, I've never worried too much about milestones. Olivia took a little longer to crawl or walk than other kids, but she's always talked a lot. She's still kind of a disaster with a fork and spoon, where other kids are more than proficient at this age. Leo noticed when she was in soccer that the other kids (all boys) were better at the skills they were learning, but none of those other kids talked much, and no one apart from Olivia knew all the colors when they'd go over them.
Interesting. Are they starting to change the way things are done as far as speech evaluations and autism? I was under the impression that things like that were better left until they were nearer to 3 because there's still so much time for them to get caught up in the meantime. As you said, though, maybe that's your particular pediatrician, and if you can rule out certain things earlier, so much the better.
I think it comes down to the fact that you know your child best. It's good that you're concerned and having him evaluated for your peace of mind, but like you said, he might actually have quite a large vocabulary and just be reluctant to talk! I have a stubborn kiddo myself, so I can understand that. It might just be that Christian isn't ready to talk yet, and he'll get there in his own time.
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