The other day I was talking to Leo about how much happier I am not being super invested in a fandom. I don't want anyone to take that the wrong way, though. I love fandom in general, and there have been so many awesome things about particular fandoms I've been in, and I'm so happy to have had the chance to meet so many different people from so many different places. I think, in the end, what got to me was the toxic bullshit of the part of bandom I found myself in, and now, having distanced myself from that, I really am much happier and much less angry than I was. It kind of sucks because I feel like that came at the expense of losing a lot of fandom friends and acquaintances, but that is something that's happened before as I've moved from one fandom to the next.
Which is not to say that some fannish things don't still make me really happy! Because those crazy Discos in China? :DDDDD
LOL Brendon
The lulz, I has them. Bden, what is your hair?
I'm not even necessarily bothered about shipping them - I just like that this looks like a nice, quiet moment.
Although, now I just want all the fic about Brendon and Spencer. You know, without any mention of Jon or Ryan Rossy at all, because that's how I roll.
In other, rl news, there is no news. I'm ten days from my due date, and still no baby. Dammit. Her head is way, way down, but still no fun things like effacement or dilation happening, despite having had contractions here and there all weekend. Back to the doctor again next Monday, unless Olivia shows up before then. I'm not getting my hopes up, though. I'll just enjoy the last little bit of time I have before she gets here, resting, playing lots of online Scrabble, and looking forward to my family visiting.