Words and phrases I would prefer never to see or hear again, a list

Mar 16, 2010 14:44

1. chubby chaser: Is there an equivalent, like say, ‘skinny stalker’ or something similar? No? Oh, well then you can shut the hell up and stop fetishizing/othering body types that do not follow society’s patriarchal view of what is ‘normal’ or ‘attractive’.

2. slut-shaming/whorephobia: The problem inherent in these terms is that by using them to denounce others for shaming women for being sexually active or sexual at all, you are just as bad as the people calling women sluts or whores for daring to be sexual in the first place. You say you don’t think women should be labeled sluts for their sexuality, yet you use a term like slut-shaming to describe the way they are treated by those who do label them as such? I think we need a logic check…

3. bleeding from the vag: No, really. Hate your vagina more. Go on. It’s not that I have a problem with women talking about their bodily functions, but I really, really dislike seeing such blatant shame and hatred of the female reproductive system/organs. I’m not saying that sometimes getting your period can’t be kind of sucky, but it makes me sad to see that so many girls and women have been taught to think and speak so negatively about their bodies.

4. "I wasn’t expecting Boy/Girl to call and want to hang out, but now I’m glad I shaved my legs/had that bikini wax/trimmed up the ladygarden because sexytimes are imminent.": Bodies are funny things and they grow hair…well, just about everywhere. If you feel the need to shave/wax/pluck/trim in order to be accepted by another person in an intimate situation, that person does not deserve to be anywhere near your intimate bits. I 100% support your right and your choice to modify your body hair as you see fit so long as you are doing it for yourself, because you prefer it, and not for someone else.

gids has an opinion oh noes!, annoyed gids is annoyed, what is a feminist?, cranky gids is cranky, angry gids is furious!

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