Well, hobbitlove83 posted the first Lijhers pic in her journal recently. (Yesterday?) I thought it was new to me, but when I went to save it, it was already lurking about my hard drive, though I'd never uploaded it. Weird. I have another, similar one, and they may actually have been taken at the same time.
Actually, the one I was thinking of is totally different. There are similarities, but it's clearly a different occasion altogether. Still, both of them are very nice. :D
That's the one I thought of too when I first saw it. I posted that pic about a year ago, it was taken in the James Hotel I think. My Lij pic collection's too big for me to sort through to see if I already had the other one...
I can't remember where I got that one originally, as with most photos I save. *g* I only have just over 1400 photos of Lijhers, but I'm rather picky in what I like. And of course that doesn't count photos where he's with other people. I might just like him a wee bit, you know?
lol You like Lij? ;) I'm bad at photo collecting, I just save nearly everything and plan to sort through it later and never do. My original Lij/LotR folder is so big it takes half an hour to open it so I give up on it! lol ;D
Nice spam :D
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