Fic: Reclamation

Aug 01, 2006 18:25

Title: Reclamation
Author: the1elf
Paring: Billy Boyd/Sean Bean
Rating: Rather PG
Disclaimer: Lies and such, never happened, etc.
A/N: Series of 5 drabbles begun in pippinmctaggart’s journal after her request for Billy/Bean and the prompt Billy/Bean, NZ, Billy drives Sean home after a particularly harrowing flight.

Sean’s hands are shaking when he reaches the international baggage claim at the airport. London to Los Angeles to Auckland and finally Wellington, and his nerves are shot, unable to be calmed even by copious amounts of whisky. He feels oddly sober as he waits for his luggage, and wants nothing more than a shower and a bed to ease the turbulence of the last leg of his journey from his mind. He’s trying to remember fuzzy details of transportation and lodging arrangements when he feels a gentle hand on his back. Turning, Sean finds Billy, wide awake and smiling.


Billy is cheerful as he helps Sean with his suitcases, but not irritatingly so, and Sean is grateful that he has left the other hobbits to their own devices this evening. The last thing Sean wants is to have to make conversation with Elijah and Dom and the other Sean. He loves them, of course he does, loves every last one of them, but just now he is glad that it is Billy he is following out of the terminal and into the cool New Zealand night. Sean tries not to wonder at the significance of Billy on his own.


In the car, Billy seems content to let Sean drift in and out of an easy dialogue, reminding him that filming begins again in two days’ time and of meetings with Peter and Fran late the next morning. The two men settle into a silence made comfortable by friendship, and Sean is startled to see that they’ve arrived already at his hotel. He climbs out of the car and stretches muscles far beyond knotted after more than a day on an airplane. In his exhaustion, Sean almost misses Billy’s quiet offer to help him to his room with his bags.


Sean is not inclined to turn on the lights. A dull ache has begun in his head, and though he would prefer a last shot of whisky, he swallows the pain relievers that Billy hands him. Smiling weakly, Sean leaves Billy standing in the middle of the room, goes into the bathroom and turns on the shower as hot as he can stand it. Nearly a quarter of an hour passes before he feels well enough to move again. When he opens the door, he sees that the sheets have been turned down and thankfully Billy is lying between them.


Billy blinks at Sean and holds out a hand to him. Needing no further encouragement or invitation, Sean crawls into bed with a sigh as Billy’s arms go around him, pulling him closer. A kiss is all that Sean can manage at the moment, but Billy’s contented hum tells him that it is enough. There will be time in the morning for more than the slow, languid slip and slide of tongues and lips. Sean will wake to the welcome feel of Billy’s mouth and hands as they tease and torment him, and Sean will reclaim what was once his.

billy, fic

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