Fic: Untitled Billy-Centric Fic (2/?)

Jan 18, 2006 20:37

Title: Untitled Billy-Centric Fic (2/?)
Author: the1elf
Pairings: William/Elijah; William/OFC; brief mentions of Monaboyd and Domlijah
Rating: This part R or NC-17.
Disclaimer: False. All lies. No money made, all that stuff.
Summary: They stood on the pavement, awkward, uncertain, and William wondered whether Elijah was expecting anything from him.
Feedback: Would be most appreciated. I’m not sure what I think of this one, so fb and concrit are most welcome.
A/N: I’ve been wanting to write this since the idea came to me in Edinburgh in September. It’s turning out slightly differently than I first imagined, and I’ve no idea where it’s going. I’m just writing this one. Thanks to ditchwitchbitch for the read through. ♥

Part One

William was utterly unprepared for seeing Elijah outside of work, which, on reflection, was a bit silly. Especially given the fact that William wanted to shag Elijah rather desperately, and that would never happen unless it was outside of work. Though William did briefly recall the lock on his office door, which came in handy when a wank during working hours was dictated by the intensity of Dominic’s stare or the colour of Elijah’s tie. Often he would leave the door unlocked, secretly hoping one of them would catch him at it or follow him in to help, but so far he’d been unsuccessful.

It was strange to see Elijah in a pub. He seemed to William brighter, a bit happier, and certainly more relaxed. He supposed the latter was due to the fact that Elijah was wearing jeans and a rather hideous jumper instead of his usual dark suit. He was laughing, quite loudly, sitting at a table full of people, unaware for the moment that William was staring blatantly at him. A well-timed nudge and a nod of the head from one of his friends turned Elijah’s attention to William, seated at the bar, staring into his pint and attempting to control the flush creeping over his face.

Without hesitation, Elijah stood and made his way across the room, seating himself on the stool next to William. Two cigarettes and another pint later the younger man was quite obviously flirting with William. No attempt at subtlety was made and William found Elijah’s complete focus on him unsettling enough to order a whiskey. He was discovering that looking away from Elijah’s large eyes and shy smile was damn near impossible. What William did not anticipate was the fact that he didn’t mind overly much. He chastised himself silently, but continued to respond to Elijah’s advances nevertheless.

Saturday was just fading into Sunday when Elijah followed William from the pub. They stood on the pavement, awkward, uncertain, and William wondered whether Elijah was expecting anything from him. After three hours of chat in a pub, definitely outside of their usual office atmosphere, William felt sure that a handshake would be considered ridiculous. He knew there was no way in hell that he would initiate a hug, however brief and innocent. Elijah settled the matter nicely by leaning in and pressing his cold, chapped lips to William’s cheek.

Later, at home and safe in his bed, disappointingly alone, he would curse himself for the half gasp, half moan that escaped him as Elijah’s lips brushed against his skin. William had shifted the slightest bit closer to Elijah, could feel the warmth that his body offered - and then he’d made that god awful noise that Elijah somehow mistook for a sound of refusal. William’s eyes had been nearly as big as Elijah’s as he stumbled back, opening his mouth to speak (Christ, Boyd, speak!) and nothing came. Elijah had smiled a bit sadly, then turned and walked away, leaving William standing alone.

He spent the whole of Sunday moping about the house, trying (and failing spectacularly) not to think about Elijah. By noon he realised it was a lost cause and allowed his mind to wander freely where it pleased. William was unsurprised that it wandered quite far and prompted two wanks in as many hours. He showered that evening, disgusted with himself, and managed to come once more, Elijah’s lips taunting him still.

By Monday morning, William thought he’d finally got the image of Elijah out of his head. He decided to drive to work for a change, and declined the offer of a quick cup of tea from Scarlett, not noticing the question was out of place for a Monday. William merely dropped off his shirts with a quick smile and a pleasant refusal and headed toward the bank.

Business was light when he entered the building just before ten, and William’s secretary was stirring the milk into his customary cup of tea. Liv handed him the mug as she took his coat and informed him that Dominic had requested to meet with him as soon as his schedule permitted. William asked her to hold him off as long as possible. He rang Elijah himself and was disappointed to have to leave a voicemail.

It was nearly lunch by the time Liv poked her head round his door and announced that Elijah was waiting to see him. William signaled to her to let him in as he hurriedly finished his phone call. He was relaxed back in his chair, smoothing his tie over his shirt when Elijah was ushered in by Liv, who, god bless her, pulled the door closed behind her. William made a mental note to give her a raise as he watched Elijah take a seat across the desk from him.

A quirked eyebrow was all it took for William to forget anything he’d planned to say to Elijah about Saturday night, about the kiss that had barely been a kiss, about his own behaviour having been inappropriate. He sat, rendered speechless again at the sight of him, as Elijah began to apologise. William stopped him immediately, rising from his chair and pacing behind his desk, thinking wildly that he needed to say something. He walked away from Elijah, haltingly attempting to speak. When William turned back, he was only slightly surprised to see Elijah standing in front of him.

He raised one hand, and for an insane moment, William thought Elijah was going to hit him. As it was, he very carefully tugged on William’s silk tie, pulling him closer and murmuring quietly that it was okay. He didn’t need to ask what was okay, as Elijah’s lips, now soft and pliant and tasting of coffee, pressed against his own, preventing him from thinking, much less talking. William gave in, the response of his mouth and shift of his hips toward Elijah the only acquiescence Elijah needed. The hand not grasping William’s tie moved to curl at the nape of his neck, drawing him closer, deepening the kiss.

William’s eyes closed, his hands fluttering ineffectually at his sides. He couldn’t force himself to reciprocate and touch Elijah, though his body was screaming at him to kick his brain into gear and to please, fuck’s sake, touch him already. Elijah pulled away briefly, managing a tentative half-smile before William got hold of what sense he had and gripped his shirt, roughly tugging him closer before snogging him properly. He smiled into the kiss, knowing he would not soon forget the moan he elicited from Elijah. It had clearly been a sound of want, of need.

William and Elijah met in William’s office every day that week. Elijah would ring Liv and check to see whether William was free, and more often that not, Elijah was given the green light. They didn’t talk about the kissing, which by Wednesday morning had turned into kissing and a bit of groping. Quite simply, William asked Elijah to close the door, and after the door was closed, Elijah was free to walk behind William’s desk and do as he liked.

Friday lunch found them with the door locked, William pinning Elijah face down on the desk, nipping fiercely at his neck and unzipping his trousers. Elijah thrust into William’s hand just as he wrapped his fingers around the hard cock no longer straining against the fabric of winter weight wool. He managed a ragged gasp and a shudder before spilling into William’s hand, swearing softly. William pressed his own cock once more against Elijah’s arse and then sat in his chair, shocked at what he’d done.

Elijah turned slowly around, staring at William for a few seconds. His swollen lips curled into a grin and he dropped to his knees on the floor, wasting no time in lowering William’s zipper and taking his cock into his mouth. William just managed to stop himself thrusting into the warm wetness of Elijah’s mouth, but had less luck with the groan welling up in his throat. Elijah moaned encouragingly around his cock, moving his hand to gently squeeze at William’s balls. In seconds he was coming, gripping the arms of his chair and watching as the man on the floor swallowed and pulled slowly away.

Both men stood and straightened their clothes, satisfied, smiling. Elijah kissed William quickly one last time, mentioned that he would be at the pub the following night, and left.

billy, billijah, fic, billy/ofc

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