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Today I was on VLV I noticed a thread about a fox news report on "Emo" and "Scene" culture (watch video with provided link). I was interested to see what they had to say. Being from DC, this is something I am thankfully not exposed to, other than the internet. However with the decline of music in DC there are certain trends that I have noticed more and more, in recent months in bands from DC and touring bands that play the Warehouse.
To me this is just like hair metal in the 80's. What is kinda scary to me is there isn't really reactionarly movment other than people beating up these trendy kids. In the 80's you had Hardcore and Punk, but to me (working as a sound guy five nights a week and getting to see a good deal of music), it seems that these trends are seeping down into the underground instead of vice versa.
So whats next? Face it, punk isn't punk anymore, and DIY is tiny, and shrinking. It seems like you can't be a band and play anything but a bar or evil moeny bag type establisments. It seems like if you can't be in a touring punk band unless you have at least 5 different shirts, all screened by someone else. I am sick of how apathetic people have become. I am sick of people looking back at the glory days. I am sick of even looking back 3 years ago, when there was lots of wonderful things going on. Those days were great, but there not now. Now is what matters. We have to keep looking forward to make things fucking better.
Why does this matter? The music, people, art, places, of Washington DC changed my life for the better. It means a lot to me, and I most likely wouldn't be alive it wasn't here to help me through it. I refuse to sit back and let something that means this much to me fall a part with out a fight.