I figured it out!

Oct 20, 2006 07:25

How I manage to sleep through my alarm/mysteriously turn it off without my knowledge. It only rings like twenty times before shutting off automatically!! As if I would hear it and not turn it off and then be all set with waking up (like this morning, when I woke up but figured my alarm could not possibly be going off yet, only to listen to it go off for AGES and then come to the realization far too late that it was in fact my alarm and that if i weren't oddly still awake, i'd've [oh god, compound contraction, eek!] TOTALLY overslept.) Well, now I know and knowing's half the battle.

so i am hella thirsty this morning because i drank half of bottle of Luna wine last night. i needed to unwind after what feels like weeks of freaking out about school. it wasn't so bad. if i can do english, it appears i can certainly do science too. /flex. just you wait, i'ma be the best nurse ever. and how damn sexy will i be in scrubs. dyan and i discussed this and how scrubs are hot due to the fact that they can be removed with one pull of the drawstring. anything that shows me nekkid man so easily is a beautiful thing.

in other news, it's friday. this means several things: 1) CASUAL FRIDAY!!! Being a slave to the whims of the Professional Fashion Gods has its ups and downs, but on Fridays, they lift their strictures and we are allowed to wear JEANS. this always results in my junk getting crushed cause my jeans are so goddamn tight (or maybe my JUNK is so GODDAMN BIG. EVER THINK OF THAT!?), but c'est la vie. SEST LAH VEE! and 2) PATTY GETS KNIGHTED! She will be a KANIGGIT! This is hot, as she's milked this "journey" for all it's worth and it's high time she became a Lady. oh, hold on, dance break.

We're making ladies, we're making ladies, we're making ladies, construct a lady all night
I'm making her from Faberge
I'm making her with fabric
I'll put her in some negligee
I'll conjure her with magic
I'll clean up all her accidents
And paint her with mascara
We'll get along on fancy boats
And ride the riviera

Yes, the new Scissor Sisters album is awesome.

SO ANYWAY. KNIGHTING. 2NITE! I'm so there. It's gonna be hot. I need to think of a good name, 'cept I suck at that. But yay Pattyz!

Oh, and last night I watched the first two episodes of Heroes, which is the best show ever. Cause um, I wanna be the asian, Hiro. And also, the indestructable cheerleader. she's cool too. and i want to RAPE MOHINDER'S FACE OMGZ. seriously, sexiest man ever. he's rul hot. ok, the birds are telling me it's time for my shower and i must obey my masters. *braaaains*
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