Nov 27, 2008 23:16
ok.... everyone else seems to be adding an update so... ^_^
Anyway... Got dragged out bowling today. Not fun :(
It started out well enough (I got all 4 of us half-price games at hollywood bowl :) )
Unfortuantely, it only took 6 frames before my finger started to throb, and by the 8th frame I decided I couldnt risk loosing the ability to use that finger for the next week...
Really sucks as well, because after scoring a total of 3 with my 1st 3 balls, I then didnt leave an open frame for the next 5 (I obviously still remember how to do it ;-) )
Anyway... It really pisses me off that I really enjoy bowling, and with a bit of practice I might even not suck at it, but I cant even bowl 1 full game without my finger screwing me over :(
In unrelated news... why did Tickie and Vom have to wait until my work schedules were confirmed before realising that they had made a mistake? :'(