candy is dandy but liqor is quicker

Jul 12, 2005 01:26

hello again, man i had some fun last week sometimes i wish i would never leave my dads. i golfed for three days staright in a row, so that was fun other then that i stayed up late and slept in late as well..god damn those were some good times, but now it is back to reality back to the drama back to it all back to this house that i hate the most. im back to screaming and yelling bitching and complaing, i cant really rant about that becuase i am complaing right now. ive only been back for what two days and the first thing is when they walk into that metal door is, JON WILL YOU LISTEN *snifs air* ahh welcome to home shity ass home i say. I really understand why people become achoalics cuase for the passed two days i have been stressed why? well because of my mom, and of course today i have to wake up early go run then work out then all this and that blah blah blah, then she always has to blame things on my dad err god damn it. and then anther thing that i was thinking of, i must get a job soon before i get my licence so i can pay for that good old thing we call insurance...35 bucks a month for the shitiest i can get pl/pd, what do i get with that, absoluty nothing just so i can drive it....and if i get into accendent well just start letting me know what cars are forsale and where cause its not full coverage. Then comes to good old song writeing, i wrote a few things while i was at my dads just things that happend in the past...i just cant think of ANYTHING nothing and when i do its just shity shity farty smelly shit there is no other sentence to put that in its SHIT...*sigh* i just wanna get a song out of me so i eventually finsish this notebook, if you havent noticed i started a new one i finish all of them some take me months some take me days this one might be my first year one, but we shall see..other then that everything is alright i guess i really dident do much today besides work out and run and i went and chilled with max and molly for a little bit, we were gonna go swiming but we hung out in a cold ass basement...i like that :) considering i basically live in one...then after that i went to passing leage did pretty good came how now im sore as a bitch and im writeing this entry to you..well im out im pretty tired i have things to take care in the mourning important things that is if you know what im talking about to the people who do know that is ;) well im out later

the one and only

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