what a week

May 30, 2005 20:53

Hey havent updated in about three days but thats ok, yea a lot went on my last track meet went alright are freshmen 4*200 team is second best in okland county and are 4*100 team is 4th, and my open 200 well we wont talk about that cause it dident go so well. But track is over so i get to relax a tad bit more, but i will still be working out and stuff. Yea tommrow i think ill take a little run up to banks to see my old track team and race there fastest guy just for the hell of it, i am going up there with some other guys as well so i wont be alone and haveing a bunch of little kids attack me. so yea all that happend then me and max and bj hung out for a little bit as we went to the st marys fair witch sucked major ass, for all you people who havent gone to it DONT its horrible, we got sick after the second ride casue me and bj where trying to see if who could do more sit ups while this ride spun us around, i think i did more but i dont cause max wasent looking, so after we got off that i got something to eat then we were like fuck this i dont wanna be here anymore, so we went back to bjs for a little bit cooked some burgers then went to maxs played some games there and fell alsleep. then the next day comes and most of it is sleep then we hung out at maxs for a while, then went to my house watched white noise, then went to bjs swam for a little bit then went to pick arron up then we went to go see STAR WARS WHA HOO!!!! i love that movie yea as you can tell i am a star wars geek, but not to the max i have my limits. yea it was a good movie then bj droped me off at my house, then my mom got up and kinda bitched at me cause i dident know where to go for the parade the next day, but needless to say i found out the next so it went alright. ahh yea i forgot about that parade yea i was in a parade for the first time, it was pretty cool i was in it for football, yea i got to hold a flag that said warriors, it was alright then after all that i went to my uncles ate some food over there drove his go ped around then looked at my future car my 1969 chevy corrvette convertable baby. yea then after that i came home and hung out with some nabors for a little bit then came inside and got on this and just started writeing in it, yea tommorw i hope goes by fast cause as i said a million times im tired of school i want this shit to end, but im out im gonna go play some dead to rights im out

the one and only

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