Nov 20, 2005 10:25
Hey that's right i am on my way to see HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET OF FIRE!!!!!!!!!!! Io am so excited...ike!! Ok enough bout that...I am just updating to let whoever know about my weekend....oh what a weekend....I had a blast the other night....i finally got my chili cheese fries.....YUMMY..( i had the best .a.k.a. FRICKERS)......then i went and got shirt stuff.......boring i guess...but i came back and watched a movie.....actually two movies with a certain someone....aka Mr. Sex E.....what a blast i watched HARRY POTTER AND THE PRISONER OF times.....then i watched Jurassic Park 3..although there wasn't too much watching if u know what i love those movies....anyways......he left at about midnight...oh well....i wil see him that brings me to Saturday....Yes what a good time....i went to sadies with bobert and we danced our socks off....but the best part was dancing with my sexy friend Becca nevertheless i had so much fu....oh yea and i got to c claire whom i haven't seen in a long time....she is back from california...oh yea and dinner was fun cept i had to pay for my own meal......grrrrr... i wasn't planning on it and i was lucky i had spare cash.......i guess things like that happen......oh well i still had fun with Kevy and Thomas whom we ate with at the way i loved ur blinkers.....hehe...after the dance was over....i had fun at Juliann's house...not to mention there was food ......woot.....anyways i kicked butt at Air think i got my butt kicked...oh and besides sam mosey calling me a stupid.B**** night was i came home and was online until like one in the morn...hehe.....i woke up today round 10 and decided to update.....well i am about out of things to describe my marvelous weekend so....please leave comments and i am going to go get ready....i am wearing my fuzzy boots...hehe...i can't wait to see that lovely movie with my best bud u bunches....Katie