I'm About to Hit "Update Journal" and This Seems Long ^^;

Apr 27, 2005 10:38

Your Linguistic Profile:

70% General American English
20% Dixie
10% Yankee
0% Midwestern
0% Upper Midwestern

What Kind of American English Do You Speak?

Not bad, considering I'm in Georgia, along with the majority of my family. Granted, I grew up in Jacksonville, Florida... It's like the southern yankee state.

I've been...um... Well, the oral surgery didn't kill me, I suppose that's good to hear for some of you. Been obsessing over WoW and my TFT map making, and I think I might take a break from that and the minimal school work I actually accomplish to watch My-Hime today if don't decide to just pass out.

But... I've been alone here for about a month, taking care of the dogs and saying "hay" at my half-brother whenever he stopped by to pretty much do the same thing. We just sort of trade off. (Too many dogs, mom usually takes care of it, he stays in what used to be the Williams guest house.)

Papa's not doing so great, was in the hospital for a while, but he's home now. He somehow caught pneumonia on top of his already particularly bad emphysema, from smoking that he stopped from before I can remember. He's probably not in extreme immediate danger, just still needs some help, so mom's staying there for a bit. While he probably won't get much better, I just try to stay optomistic in general about these things. It's just to a point where he'll either stay as bad or get worse. I'm upset, a little, but...I don't know. I can barely hold a conversation with the man for about as long as I can remember. Probably doesn't help he's always had trouble breathing and needs hearing aids, which he always seems to turn down. But besides that, we don't relate much at all. He apparently hates anything Japanese because of WW2 and there goes most of my interests, and, uh, most recent romantic interest. I don't think I even want to know how he'd react to that. Men should be men, have short hair, and watch the Braves and Yankees while circled around the television. Now, don't get me wrong. He can be funny as Hell. And he's almost always a gentleman about it. We just don't mesh that well. No less than most of my relatives.

Either way, he's mom's dad, dad's father-in-law, my cousin's grandfather, Nana's husband (with all of her sisters already gone), not just my grandfather, but a billion other things. So I'm not too happy, but there's not much anyone can really do. He's the guy that taught me to fish, even if I threw them back even as a kid. (I wouldn't eat them then or now. :D) Hell, I think he might be the one that pulled me out of the pond when I fell in like an idiot. I still remember random ancient bits of conversation when we visited here, about him watching me color things with crayons, then doing it what most would likely agree to be the more efficient, better looking way, then me still liking my way better because I figured it up. I believe his comment was "Aw, Hell." with a small round of laughing adults.

Rest assured, I at least went to see him at the hospital and whatnot, we're not totally dysfunctional. I think the only thing he said to me was that I needed haircut, but he liked that I actually shaved.

There's just that weird feeling about it all.

...and I was going to end there, but by the way, I'm 20 as of about a week ago. Mom's birthday was the day after. I didn't particularly do anything on mine, which was fine, and she just flatly asked me if there was a game I wanted. Good enough, really. Then she left and I made my own damn pizza, which is probably better than what we'd normally just order as birthday rituals go, anyway. But you know what? She went to an old school friend's funeral on her birthday. Died of sudden brain cancer in like a month, then Nana told her on mine the day before. That's like Kahn getting cancer and dying in a month, then me going to his funeral on my birthday, when I try to put it in perspective. Happy Birthday!
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