Jul 21, 2008 01:12
Do you ever have all these interesting thoughts, so good you wish you could just write it down. It usually comes when I am driving in the car, alone. Then when I come back and try to remember, it's gone. Its just out of my mind. Sometimes I think they are just gifts that are given to us, telling us we have more power than even our minds can understand....it's worth nothing and takes nothing. No evidence, no trace just you and a passing thought. Sometimes I get so upset, try to think back or ideas are flying by me, and I want to stay on one but it's already gone. Like it was never there.
It's like wisdom to me. What the fuck is wisdom? Apparently, wisdom is having gained knowledge, understanding, experience, discretion, and intuitive understanding, along with a capacity to apply these qualities well.If we can't remember all those little things we think of, or come up with where do they all go..do they just leave or do they stay. Maybe all wisdom is relearning and hearing the same thoughts and conclusions so many times we actually start to figure out ourselves and the world we create around us.
In other words, maybe all we have learned we have always known and know already but its a matter of listening and remembering. Is older, wiser? Maybe if the person is wise to begin with. Fuck man, this why I cant stand words and what is this and what is that...in the end its a word, that we as humans created to put a name to an action that no-one really understands.