Title: A Decade Under The Influence. Chapter 2.
Author: Gibdo.
Rating: R to Nc-17
Pairing: P/D (le gasp) and D/S
Disclaimer: I don't own 'em.
Summary: Summer has never been so full of twist.
Dedication: Spurnd, neitoperhonen and childishgrin.
Note: ::starts to sing:: Guess who's back, back again. Jenny's back, tell Conor. I always seem to write a chapter and disapear. I don't know. I feel bad for not habing beta'd this...but I don't think they are any huuuge mistakes. Druing the whole summer I was busy ::whistles innocently:: And I just completly forgot about the fact that I have written chapt. 2. So here it is in all it's um...non-glory. ::wishes she was as popular as
lovestephenking or
trendy_rocker If I was Chuck, I'll gladly break up with you! You know why? Because you're a fucking player who can't keep his dick inside his pants and fucks everything that has a penis.