Since I've pretty much disappeared from LJ and Twitter, I thought I'd update and let everyone know what's up and everything that accompanies that!
Most everything in my life is great
My daughter if happy and healthy, doing well in her career and planning on moving into her own apartment at the end of the year. We've been looking at apartments and couches and she's super excited at the idea of living on her own for the very first time.
I still love my job for the most part. It can be boring during the slow periods, but I love my school and am appreciative of the opportunity to be here. That, of course, doesn't keep me from applying for other positions! One is a full-time teaching position at a community college (not the one I'm already a part-time teacher). I love teaching and this would be amazing. The other position is an assistant director/administrator of a program at my school. The job would be BIG, with donors and sponsors and being a liaison to other organizations. I'd love that one, too, for the challenge and the amazing amount of more salary it would entail! So keep your fingers crossed for either one!
Travel plans for the year include Washington DC in March, Disneyland in July/August (sorry, Meg, no SDCC after all!), a cruise in September (depending on the teaching job!), and somewhere, ANYWHERE over Christmas! We didn't do anything over Christmas break this past year and I was sooooo bored by day three. We might do NYC, but alas, it's so freaking cold in December and I'm a wuss and need my sun!
The mostly part of my great life is my feet hurt all the time (planter faciitis) and I'm still a lumpy fatty, but hey, I stopped drinking for the most part! Let's hear it for that!
I have to admit I'm losing interest in NCIS the show, and as you may tell, any writing dealing with the show, too. Except for a few episodes this year, it's been a continued disappointment from last season. I just don't understand what happened to our show--where did it jump the shark? With the stupid Derring storyline? Jamie Lee Curtis' continued appearances? Or was the beginning of the end the stupid P2P, and it just took this long to die? I'm so sad about it, really. I watch the re-runs on USA and wonder where did that show go? When Tony was smart and Gibbs cared and Abby wasn't a petulant child? Maybe it'll be like a zombie, and come back to life in the second half of Season 10. Maybe.
Which, of course, leads to the fandom I now call home. Avengers. Or more precisely, Tony Stark/Steve Rogers. I'm still reading everything I can find (and wow, there's a LOT), and haven't written anything yet, though still have a few in my head. Mostly I think I'm waiting until after IM3 comes out in May to see how messed up my OTP will be by canon, lol. I'm not ready to really give all of my heart just yet to another fandom just in case I'm disappointed. So for now I'm just reading and watching.
I miss everyone a lot, but do understand that things change. I hope everyone is happy in their new fandoms and in life in general. Remember to smile and just be happy.