I need you now 3/5

Jan 16, 2011 13:36

Title: I need you now

Author: AbbyGibbs

Disclaimers: Well, I do not own them and that is pretty unfair - they again belong to DPB! Why does he always have to own the best shows and the best characters? Could someone explain that to me? His characters are always suffering too much. So I have decided to borrow them for a little while, the length of a story, but I promise to give them back though I really wish I could keep them for myself.

Pairing: Abby/Gibbs

Classification: Romance, fluffiness,

Rating: M (as always to be on the safe side, isn’t it?)

Spoilers: none

Warning: Hollis Mann bashing (slightly)

Summary: Gibbs and Abby have broken up. The reason for that break is Hollis Mann. But one night as he is working in his basement, and listening to the radio he realize something thanks to a song.

Author’s note: This fic is for Rose msericdelco because she asked me for it, and trusted me to write her something. Thanks honey and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you'll like it honey. The fic is placed around season 4 before Mann made the mistake of listening to the tape on which Kelly was playing piano. And let's pretend for the story that Abby and Gibbs were already together before Mann appeared and let's also pretend we are close to New Year's Eve.

The story's been inspired by Lady Antebellum song "I need you now"

Big thanks to figi29  for the beta work.

Feedbacks: well, I’d love them, of course - who wouldn’t? But please, only if you respect my work because it takes a lot of time and energy to get a story together. I love writing; I wouldn’t allow anyone to discourage me from doing so, never. I don't have any problems at all with readers who choose not to go for this, but I decidedly do with those who write disrespectful mails just because they didn't get the ending they would have wanted. If you want to tell me what I might have done better within the story I made up, you're always very welcome to let me know. But if your only concern is to rant about it, then please, do it in private, okay? Thank you.

Three  )

author: abbygibbsmorgan, rating: m, abby/gibbs, fic

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