My Gibbs 1/1

Oct 25, 2010 00:33

Title: My Gibbs

Author: AbbyGibbs

Fandom: NCIS

Pairing: Gibbs/Abby
Rating: M

Category: short fic, PWP, one-shot
Spoilers: "Worse Nightmare"
Summary: A certain phrase keeps spooking in Gibbs's mind

Warning: Sexual content, fluff.
Disclaimer:  Everything belongs to CBS and the people who created NCIS.

Feedbacks: well, I’d love them, of course - who wouldn’t? But please, only if you respect my work because it takes a lot of time and energy to get a story together. I love writing; I wouldn’t allow anyone to discourage me from doing so, never. I don't have any problems at all with readers who choose not to go for this, but I decidedly do with those who write disrespectful mails just because they didn't get the ending they would have wanted. If you want to tell me what I might have done better within the story I made up, you're always very welcome to let me know. But if your only concern is to rant about it, then please, do it in private, okay? Thank you.

No copyright infringement is intended.

Read more under the cut )

author: abbygibbsmorgan, rating: m, gibbs, abby, fic

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