
Oct 31, 2006 11:53

I haven't done a double entry for a while, but I suppose this occasion merits one. I mean, someone can't fuck me over without ending up in LJ. Usually. It's like having my own little shoulder emo kid whining into my ear.

So I told a couple of you that I did get this personal assistant job. She seemed to be very eager for me to start, and gave me a start time (10.00a today). Considering it's 11.30 and the shifts were proposed to be four hours long, I can assume that you know where this is headed.

I show up ten minutes early, as is my norm for first days. The first thing she says to me upon my entrance is, "You know, I've been thinking it over." That statement has never, in all my years of employment, been a precursor to a Good Thing. I smile and nod. She continues, "I don't think this is going to work out." Duh. "These are my reasons. Reason A, and Reason B."* I smile and nod.

My ride drives off into the distance. My cell phone doesn't work. I'm stranded.

Adding insult to injury (hooray for dimwitticisms!), I have to use the woman's phone to redial Mister B and ask that he turn around and come pick me up again.

I don't so much care that I didn't get the job after all (though that is somewhat irksome). I do care that she made us drive twenty minutes out of our way to tell me so. Couldn't she have ditched my services over the phone?

Oh well. I was a convenience to her, and I think it's laughable that she really thinks she'll find anyone else with my aptitude and experience who will do everything she asked me to do for what she wanted to pay me. Does she even know how expensive experienced transcribers can be?

I probably shouldn't have expected very much from her, though. I mean, she brought up my astrology chart to see if I was a compatible candidate for crying out loud. What was she expecting to find? "Ohhh, well, you have Jupiter in this sign, so blah blah blah you would be great at organising my refrigerator! And it's exalted, so that means I'll finally be able to find the mayo!"

Anyhow, I have another interview today at 3.00p with Jedi Communications (d00d, jedi). They need a dispatcher and I need to pretend that I can dispatch. Onward ho!

wtf, genius, job hunting sucks

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