things in my life worth commenting on:

Feb 12, 2008 01:08

-my roommate is abandoning meee
-battling nature/god/the monorail/the sprinklers/the man with the hose in the mornings is NOT FUN. I have to "push water" when i open streets, and the monorail FLOODS and everything is revolting and my life is made futile and i just sit there and laugh at my underwater pushbroom.
-one of my roommates got squished by big thunder mountain (she works on it) the other day and killed her knee
-am reading sense & sensibility online. about time i read it, yayay.
-am aquiring WAY TOO MANY quotes for the quotebook from mah ridiculous apartmentmates
-two of my apartmentmates have told me that i would be an excellent jungle cruise skipper. apparently i'm getting better at talking.
-had the entire garden grill area cheer for me for quieting a VERY unhappy toddler the other day. hewassocuuute.
-maria and i snuck over to backstage canada yesterday to wait for off-kilter to come out of their break trailer for their 5:30 show. after they emerged, they scared the crap out of some squirrels and then proceeded to chase them, kilts flapping, halfway up the ramp leading to their stage. i lol'd.
-snuck over to world showcase to watch illuminations yesterday with yuki, who hadn't seen all of it yet. i love that i am STILL not at all tired of illuminations, even though i pretty much see it every night. i def watched it again today.
-i love giving directions. cause i srsly know where everything is now. srsly.
-the music they play in cast services is awesome
-i know codes and secret door-opening methods passed on from generation to generation of custodial hosts and i lurve it.
-when i have free time at work (and i have a lot of it) i wander around and try to get myself lost and then figure out how to get unlost. today i explored and mapped out the tunnel. i now know it extremely well, after spending about three hours in it. with the asbestos.
-i've also found some butt-kicking hiding places
-one of my managers, Chris, has set it up so that i can WALK ON TEST TRACK... the OUTSIDE PART... THIS COMING WEEK. OMG. Also, I iz being trained for Hub 15 this week, aka the barf patrol.
-others complain about it, but I LOVE MY JOB SOSOOSOSOSO much. i get to do so many different things!!! and my managers are amused by my enthusiasm so they come up with more new things for me to do/see/learn about. ^_^
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