Feb 09, 2009 15:02
I blogged recently about my work drama. Well it all came to an end today. He shuffled on into my office and asked to speak with me a few minutes and took me into his office and closed the door. That's never good. The official line is that he's wanting to change the business and thinks that training may be done (I think he is right) and that he needs to move in a different direction. He also said "And our personalities clash" to which I said "yea, they do." He did tell me that he thought I had talent in areas, just not what he needed. I reiterated that he needed a sales person and that wasn't me. He acknowledged that I'd been trying and was driving myself crazy trying to make calls but that I just wasn't comfortable with it. I appreciated hearing all of that, and do believe he means it. I did offer to work for him on a contract basis if he needs anything, such as a class taught or some marketing materials done. He didn't seem to have considered that and said that it was a good idea. He'd rather use someone he knows than try to find someone new. I have been doing some writing for him so it's conceivable more projects will arise in the future. In the meantime they're paying me until Friday and calling my departure a layoff so I think I will be eligible to pick up my original unemployment claim again.
All in all I'm pretty calm. I stopped by the local Census bureau office on the way home and scheduled an enumerator test and a supervisor test. They're gearing up for 2010 so it can't hurt to see what's available. The people there were really nice, and sorry that I'd been laid off and I'd like to think impressed that I'd stopped straight from my last employer before I'd even gone home!
And in another weird quirk, I got an page from someone with the hockey booster club saying that the players had had a crisis and needed and infusion of cash quickly. It just so happens that we've got a sizeable donation to make. So now I'm trying to reach the team captain and arrange to meet him to hand off the cash, something I couldn't have done while working!
I know I'll land on my feet. I feel very much better than last year when I was laid off. I think I'll be able to keep my energy and not sink into the inertia again.