Aug 16, 2006 00:07
Wow! I wasn't kidding about the whole absent-minded thing...because I alllllso forgot to write about my Red Cedar Review poetry meeting.
We definitely had some interesting entries, as always. But this was only my second meeting, so I am sooo excited to attend more and read more of the hilarious poems we receive. I'll try to remember some of the funny ones so I can share them with you...
Anyways, we always get a lot of poem entries from prison inmates, which is the best thing in the world to me because they are ALWAYS the most entertaining. For example, there were two sets of poem collections sent by prisoners and they were both the funniest things I ever read. One in particular was basically an open love-letter to Condoleeza Rice. It was scrumtrulecent. I don't remember a lot of the lines except for the opening one - "You're my black Mona Lisa."
Hahahahaha! Ohhh me.
That same writer also poingantly described the government as "regurgitated turd balls" and in one that was suppose to be a scary Halloween poem, claimed they had "lice krispie treats" and "bloodweiser"....Clever, but silly nonetheless
I am definitely not trying to completely criticize their poetry because to be perfectly honest, both prisoners' poetry sets flowed very easily and had quite an impressive rhyme scheme. In fact, there was one that I suggested be discussed in order to possibly be published. It was actually a very beautiful, simple poem that read like a prayer about him, his family, and being locked up.
I also really appreciated their poetry because they weren't trying to be 'deep' or thought-provoking. I get so tired of reading people's drab, pretentious crap. They think they are so incredibly artistic with their metaphors and innuendo and then the results actually end up laughable. Don't get me wrong, sometimes we get great poems that are actually, well, poetic, but more times then not, they fail.
Whatever, I'm hungry.
Sorry this entrie's so long...